Monday, September 30, 2019

Cations and Anions Tests

Testing for Cation and Anions OBJECTIVE: †¢ Determine the presence of a cation or anion by a chemical reaction †¢ Determine the cation and anion in an unknown solution All salt solutions have both positive (Cations) and negative (Anions) ions dissolved in it. In this experiment you will observe chemical reactions to determine the presence of specific anions and cations. Compare your observations with the reactions of the known solutions and the unknown solution to determine the ions present in the unknown solution. You will use a flame test for the cations, Na+, K+, and Ca+2 Perform qualitative tests for Ca+2, NH4+, Fe+3.Qualitative tests will be used to identify anions, Cl-, SO42-, PO43-, and CO32-. Expected results of the qualitative test and the reactions are included in your procedure. PROCEDURE: Obtain from the stock room a solid unknown salt to be analyzed for the presence of both cation and anion. HC1, HNO3 are strong acids and NaOH is a strong base so be careful whe n using them. Use the plastic pipettes on the center counter to dispense your unknown solution. Approx. 20 drops is equal to 1 mL, All waste go in the waste jar labeled for your class. Bunsen Burner Safety. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Make sure you are able to get a spark out of the striker consistently!Turn the gas needle valve counter clockwise completely. Adjust the burner barrel so your are able to see through the air inlet Check the rubber tubing and place the rubber hose on the gas nozzle. Turn the gas jet 90 degrees. Open the gas needle valve until you hear the gas and light. If you are not successful in lighting the burner, turn the gas off and try again. Cation Tests Al. Flame Test †¢ Label 3 test tubes, Na+, K+ and Ca+2. Bring the test tubes to the stockroom window to get your wood splint soaked in each of the solution. You will also be given an unused wood splint to use for your unknown. Get your solid unknown as well. Soak the unused wood splint in water. †¢ Observe the change in flame color when the known solutions above are burned. K+ gives a very fleeting color change. Ca+2 gives a very similar flame color as Na+. †¢ Now that you know how observed how Na+, K+ and Ca+2, you will test your unknown. †¢ Transfer a small amount of solid unknown to a scoopula and roll the wood splint †¢ that was soaking in water in the solid unknown and burn. By the end of Part AI, you should be able to conclude the presence or absence of Na+ or K+ and maybe Ca+2. Chemical Tests A2 †¢ Because the flame test for Ca+2 is sometimes inconclusive, the oxalate test is performed. If no immediate precipitation (cloudiness) is observed, heat in a water bath for 5 minutes. Water bath is set up in the southwest hood. A3 †¢ Ammonium chloride, NH4Cl, reacts with sodium hydroxide, NaOH, to form ammonia, NH3 gas. †¢ The presence of the NH3 gas is confirmed using a moistened red litmus paper place on the mouth of the test tube. Ammonia gas is basic and will turn red litmus paper blue. A4 †¢ Fe+3, iron ion, react with potassium thiocyanate, KSCN, to form a blood red solution. By the end of Part A you should be able to identify your one cation. You must do all Tests for the known solutions. Part BThis part of the experiment test for the presence of anions, Cl-, SO42-, PO43- and CO32-. Bl †¢ Chloride ion, Cl-, reacts with silver nitrate, AgNO3 to form a precipitate that does not dissolve in HNO3. B2 †¢ Sulfate ion, SO42-, reacts with barium chloride, BaCl2, to form a precipitate that does not dissolve in HNO3. B3. †¢ Phosphate ion, PO43-, reacts with ammonium molybdate solution, (NH4)2MoO4, in acidic solution to form a yellow precipitate. A yellow solution only is a negative result. B4 †¢ Carbonate ion, CO32-, reacts with HC1 to form CO2 gas that is observed as bubbles. Part C. Each island will have a consumer product to test.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Prevalence Of Stroke In India Health And Social Care Essay

In most of the developed states, cerebrovascular accident or shot is a common cause of decease and disablement. Stroke ranks 3rd as a cause of decease after bosom disease and malignant neoplastic disease in U.S.A and U.K. The one-year economic disbursal due to cerebrovascular accident has been estimated to transcend 7 billion dollars in U.S.A. Prevalence rates reported for cerebrovascular accident universe broad vary between 500 to 800 per 1,00,000 population. ( Nolen,2008 ) Stroke is the 3rd prima cause of decease in the United States. It accounts for about 1,64,000 mortalities yearly. An estimated 5,50,000 people experience stroke each twelvemonth. Stroke is besides a chief cause of grownup disablement. In United States more than 4 million shot subsisters are populating with changing grade of disablement. Stroke is socio economically really important in older people. Harmonizing to WHO, shot was the 2nd commonest cause of world-wide mortality in 1990 and the 3rd commonest cause of mortality in more developed states ; it was besides the ground for about 4A ·4 million deceases worldwide. In 1999, the figure of deceases due to stroke ailing 5A ·54 million worldwide, and two-thirds of these occurred in less developed states. Stroke was found to be a major cause of long-run disablement and, has potentially tremendous emotional and socioeconomic effects for patients, their households, and wellness services. The case-fatality rate due to stroke varies from 11.7 % to 32.4 % . An estimated 15 million people worldwide survived minor shot each twelvemonth and about 4,800,000 in the USA, in which 50 % of instances each twelvemonth are in adult females. ( Health Statistics for US,2002 ) The incidence of shot in the U.S has declined, but there is no diminution in the badness. Harmonizing to background information it is a taking neurological cause of long term disablement. ( Davidson,2008 ) . Annually an estimated 50,000 individuals in Canada suffer from shot. There is 5.4 million persons who have a history of shot and up to 3,00,000 shot subsisters in Canada. Each twelvemonth about 16,000 dice from shot in Canada. ( Hock ‘s article, 2003 ) The prevalence of shot varies. Over the last 30 old ages at that place has been a definite addition in the prevalence and incidence of shot in India ( The Hindu, March 2008 ) The prevalence of shot in India scopes from 40 to 270 per 100 000 population. Approximately 12 % of all shots occur in the population of greater than 40 old ages of age. Major hazard factors are high blood pressure, hyperglycaemia, baccy usage, and low haemoglobin degrees. In major infirmaries 2 per centum of infirmary enrollments, 1.5 per centum of medical enrollments and 9 to 30 per centum of neurological admittances histories for stroke.The National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health has pointed out that instances of shot would increase from 1,081,480 in 2000 to 1,667,372 in 2015. The ICMR survey on Burden of Disease ( 2005 ) has found that there has been an addition in the figure of shot instances in India during the last one and a half decennaries by 17.5 % . There was besides an addition in mortality rate by 7.8 % Dr. Ashok cites that statistically India may be seeing every bit many as 200 shots for every 100,000 cross subdivision of the population. Dr. RK Srivastava ( 2008 ) estimated that 3 million adult females and 2.5 million work forces worldwide dice from shot every twelvemonth, and in developed states it is the 3rd commonest cause of decease. In China it is the taking cause of long term disablement since about two-thirds of patients require rehabilitation. Almost 10 % of shot patients recovered wholly, 25 % showed minor damage, 40 % had moderate to severe damages that required particular attention. Dr. D Nagaraj ( 2007 ) discussed on the quickly increasing shot load due to altering population with increasing life anticipation. There is a broad fluctuation in the incidence ( 13-105/100,000 ) , prevalence ( 52-842/100,000 ) of shot across the state and in the past decennaries. Case human death ranges from 11.7 % -32 % .The ischaemic shots account for 70 % to 80 % . The surveies nevertheless, have reported a higher per centum of haemorrhagic shots. The individual most of import hazard factor is found to be high blood pressure.The prevalence of smoking baccy varies from 28 % to 50 % in different surveies and of intoxicant usage ranged from 1.5 % to 47 % . Hypercoagulopathies accounted for 6 % of shot, hyperhomocysteinemia was recorded to be high in 40 % of storke clients. 57 % of diability have been recorded in most surveies. Shymal K. Das and Tapas K. Banerjee ( 2003 ) conducted a population based survey on shot in Kolkata to happen out the prevalence, incidence and instance human death hazards. The findings shows that, the prevalence and incidence rates of shot in this survey are similar to or higher than many surveies conducted in western states. The entire instance human death rates in India is among the highest class of shot human death in the universe. In 2006,105 instances were detected in 6 months in Tamil Nadu, among which 36 % were of age less than 40yrs,39 % were of 40-60yrs of age. The survey shows that 26 % of clients had a old history of shot. 8 out of 11 screened for homocysteinemia. Epidemiologic surveies on shot published on equal reviewed diaries during the past 10 old ages were identified utilizing MEDLINE and pubmed hunts and were reviewed utilizing the construction of WHO ‘s shot compound Infobase. Harmonizing to WHO, the figure of stroke events is proposed to increase from 1.1 million per twelvemonth in 2000 to more than 1.5 million per twelvemonth in 2025. ( World Health Organisation 2007 ) In 2005, estimations indicated that 58 million people died, in which chronic diseases accounted for 35 million deceases ( 60 % ) . Cardiovascular diseases, chiefly bosom disease and shot caused 17A ·5 million deceases Stroke is the 2nd prima individual cause of decease, with 5A ·8 million fatal instances per twelvemonth, 40 % of which are in people of age less than 70 old ages. About 15 million new instances occur every twelvemonth, and about 55 million people have experienced shot in the yesteryear, either with or without residuary disability.By 2025, four out of five shot events will happen in people populating in these parts. ( International Stroke Surveillance, 2005 ) Around half of shot subsisters suffer with important disablement. Physiotherapy will help in recovering every bit much motion and map as possible. Neurological shot physical therapy helps to better balance and walking, increases ability to execute simple to complex undertakings, cut down cramp, hurting and stiffness. It besides helps to increase strength, to retain normal forms of motion, additions affected appendages map and increases energy degree. ( Samuel.J,2008 ) The research workers besides observed that most of the patients were dependent in run intoing the ego attention activities. Nurses are frequently in the forepart of stroke instruction. Health instruction is a critical measure in accomplishing conformity. Patients understanding may find the ultimate success of the rehabilitation and better the ability.Since shot with unilateral paralysis is a major job, the ego attention abilities of a patient should be identified and should be taught to be independent in run intoing their ain demands. The research worker from her short period of clinical experience has observed that most of the shot patients have unequal cognition sing causes, direction and bar. Therefore people should be encouraged to cognize about these facets. Sing the big figure of patients admitted in the infirmary, the research worker is of the sentiment that the wellness instruction booklet needs to be prepared which will assist the patients to acquire cognition on cause, direction, bar and to better their ego attention ability. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM â€Å" A survey to measure the cognition and to place the ego attention abilities of shot patients in Senthil Multi Speciality Hospital, Erode, Tamil Nadu † . OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To measure the cognition of patients sing shot. To place the ego attention abilities of shot patients. To happen out the relationship between cognition and self attention abilities of shot patients. To find the association of cognition and self attention abilities with selected socio demographic variables of shot patients. To fix a wellness instruction booklet on shot. OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS Appraisal It refers to statistical measuring of cognition of patients about shot KNOWLEDGE It refers to patients awareness sing significance, causes, hazard factors, marks and symptoms, diagnostic steps, direction and bar of secondary shot onslaught. Stroke It refers to a neurologic alterations caused by an break in the blood supply to a portion of the encephalon. Hemiplegia It refers to neurological shortage in which there is functional disablement of one side of the organic structure. Designation It refers to a action or procedure of finding the ego attention abilities of shot patients. SELF CARE ABILITIES It refers to those activities that the patient is able to execute independently. Patients It refers to clients admitted with shot and receiving intervention for more than 3 hebdomads. HEALTH EDUCATION PAMPHLET It refers to information in a written signifier sing definition, causes, hazard factors, clinical manifestations, hospital direction and place attention direction of shot. Premise Patients will hold unequal cognition sing shot. Patients who had stroke face assorted self attention shortage in their recovery period. Restriction Study was limited to stroke patients with unilateral paralysis who are admitted for more than 3 hebdomads in one peculiar infirmary, so the findings can non be generalized. Patients who are in the age group of 35-65 old ages. Study was limited merely to 40 patients. Study was limited to those who are willing to take part in the survey. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK A conceptual model is a set of constructs and propositions that spell out the relationship between them. The overall intent is to do scientific findings meaningful and generalisable. Concepts are the mental images of phenomena and are the edifice blocks of the survey. Polit and Hungler ( 1999 ) states that the conceptual model is an interconnected construct of abstractions that are assembled together in some strategy by their relevancy to a common thing. This is a device that helps to excite research and the extension of cognition by supplying both way and drift. The present survey is aimed at measuring the ego attention ability and cognition of shot patients in Senthil Multi Speciality Hospital, Erode. The conceptual model selected for the survey is based on Orem ‘s self attention shortage theory ( 1985 ) . Orem defined self attention as learned, end oriented activity directed toward the ego in the involvement of keeping life, wellness development and good being. Major CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS Orem labels her ego attention theory of nursing as a general theory composed of three related constructs. THE CONCEPT OF SELF CARE Describes and explains self attention. What the client should execute to keep hygiene. In this survey it is the ego attention activities performed by the client like bathing, dressing, combing, eating, ambulation, lavatory usage and placement. THE CONCEPT OF SELF CARE DEFICIT Describes and explains why people can be helped through nursing.In this survey it is the province in which the client is non able to execute the ego attention activities ( bathing, dressing, eating, ambulation, intestine and bladder control ) or the dependence degree that require aid in run intoing the ends. THE CONCEPT OF Nursing SYSTEM It is a uninterrupted series or actions that are directed to run into individual ‘s curative ego attention demand. There are three types of nursing system: WHOLLY COMPENSATORY SYSTEM If the client is unable to execute actions, the system is entirely compensatory that is the nurse performs all actions. In this survey, it refers to the to the full dependent shot clients or those requires assistance to execute their activities of day-to-day life like bathing, dressing, combing, eating, vesica and intestine control, ambulation and placement. PARTIALLY COMPENSATORY SYSTEM If the nurse and patient portion the duty, the system is partly compensatory. In this survey, it refers to the partly independent and partly dependent shot clients those who requires moderate aid by the important others or nurse in executing the activities of day-to-day life like feeding, bathing, ambulation, placement. SUPPORTIVE EDUCATIVE SYSTEM When a patient provides all self care necessitating motions and lone instruction is required as a grid to activity so it is supportive educative system. In this survey, it refers to the to the full independent shot clients, those who are able to make the ego attention activities and requires wellness instruction sing bar of accidents, safe bed to chair and chair to bed transportation techniques, importance of early rehabilitation to better the societal activities and steps to forestall the secondary shot onslaught. SELF CARE AGENCY It is the person ‘s ability to execute self care activities. It consists of two agencies.s SELF CARE AGENT: The individual who provides the ego attention. In this survey, the ego attention agent is client ‘s with shot. DEPENDENT CARE AGENT: The individual other than the person who provides attention. In this survey, the dependant attention agent is the research worker, who assesses the cognition sing significance, hazard factors, causes, marks and symptoms, direction and bar of secondary shot onslaught. THERAPEUTIC SELF CARE DEMAND: Curative ego attention demand is the summing up of ego attention actions to be performed for some continuance of clip and in some location to run into self care necessities particularized for a individual.In this survey, it refers to the impart cognition sing significance, causes, hazard factors, marks and symptoms, direction and bar of secondary shot onslaught and do the patient to execute self attention sing personal lavatory, eating, lavatory usage, vesica and intestine control, ambulation. This chapter dealt with the debut, demand for the survey, statement of the job, aim of the survey, operational definitions, premises, restriction and conceptual model.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Target Market Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Target Market Strategy - Essay Example It’s truly going to be computerized shoes or slippers in everyone’s foots. The microcomputer chips attached to these shoes or slippers can automatically measure one’s walk-distances, count his footsteps, measure his blood-pressure in foots, compute the speed of a sportsman etc. E-Walker will attract indoor players like badminton and tennis because it can electronically track one's footsteps and outdoor players like cricket and football due to that it can help players boost up their sports-ability through the digitized system it has been attached with.E-Walker would offer its products to both sports and footwear suppliers. Sports shoes and other shoes and slippers will be designed and developed differently, and therefore, it will be more economical for the company to use different supply chains to market them. Sports shoes will be supplied to sports suppliers. Other shoes and slippers will be supplied to general footwear suppliers. STP strategy to enter the market s and barrier to itSegmentation strategy of E-WalkerAs Bygrave and Zacharakis (2010, p.170) noted, segmentation is a company's basic marketing dimension for setting the strategic framework and is the key to marketing process of identifying the right customers of the company as well. For effective marketing, it should segment its market by breaking down the total market into sub-groups like geographical, demographic, psychographic and behavioral etc (Lancaster and Reynolds, 2001, p. 68).

Friday, September 27, 2019

E.G'S Refutation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

E.G'S Refutation - Essay Example this. In order to prove our position, we will be examining both sides of the story, as well as comparing his opinion with others in order to be able to better understand his position. By using the available research and literature that is available, in this paper will be able to be proved is the matter of how Gettier's opinion does have reason. This is what will be dissertated in the following. There are actually many different points that can be used in order to prove Gettier's opinion as being intelligent and basically correct, and several of these in particular will be used here. Edmond Gettier is an American philosopher and Professor Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and he is most noted for that of his refutation of the principle of deduction for justification, which was most aptly described in an article which he wrote. In this article, Gettier was incredibly outright in his position, and he challenges the justified true belief definition of knowledge, and this definition of knowledge dates as far back as Plato's Theaetetus. One of the biggest disputes in regards to Gettier's refutation is the fact that it 'had already been done', in particular by the work of Wittgenstein; at first his account was widely accepted, by most philosophers in fact, however it was the actual validity of his article that was put into question. His criticism of the Just ified True Belief model is definitely systematic, and in his article he provides several incredibly significant and influential examples of beliefs, of which are both true and justified. However, although they are - and for the most part always have been - considered as being true and justified, it has yet been considered that we should not classify this as being actual knowledge. There are certain opinions that have been made in regards to Gettier's work, and this includes the fact that Gettier's use of 'justification' is too broad, for example, and that he should not use it overly, as it is considered that only some kinds of justification count; some believe that his examples do not count as justification at all; as well, Robert Nozick, who was an American philosopher and professor, suggested in this regards that knowledge absolutely must consist of only justified true belief that is held in such a way that if, say, it turned out to be false, would not have been held. In order to prove the fact that Gettier's work and refutation was actually worthwhile and influencing, we must include the opinion of someone whose views went against his, such as Kwame Anthony Appiah. In Appiah's most noted book, Thinking it Through: An Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy, he offers an incredibly thorough introduction to contemporary philosophy, and as well he answers some of the most crucial questions in regards to human existence overall. Appiah, a Princeton philosophy professor, overtly attempts to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Week 4 research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Week 4 research paper - Essay Example Studies also found out that learning support system in companies is weakened and experts suggest that it should be enhanced to cater the new skills required by the emerging jobs offered. Also jobs are impossible to be gone as resignation and employees get redundant in firms. Probably the job mismatch is the problem that makes other people unemployed while the firms continue to look for replacements to fill-in the vacancies for months. As a solution, other companies tap the Internet and computer to outsource their works despite of geographical limitations as it offers cost-effective ways on doing the tasks for both the employers and workers. Employment has always been the common way for people to earn income to sustain the needs of their own and their families. They work in exchange for money and other forms of remuneration wherein the rate of salary is on a per-hour basis. It started in the Industrial Age where the factories were very popular and the prevailing trend was equal pay for equal work. In the economy of today, the same trend seems to be declining and problems arise. As globalization started and continue to progress from the late twentieth towards the twenty-first century, various changes occurred in the way people work and conduct businesses. Various perspectives have been used to study, identify and analyze the situations to come into terms on how to deal with the arising problems. It is about management, but it seems to be many things must be managed and it is not only about control. Perhaps the past principles in management and leadership may still be applied for the present conditions, but new theories, perspectives and improvements must be done to further understand and cope up with the fast pacing of the world today. People are caught in the confusion as knowledge and skills advance so quickly that the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

GLOBAL BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

GLOBAL BUSINESS - Essay Example This business report further illustrates the idea that studying the business environment can help in the actual planning and decision-making activity. This is evident in the case of SWOT analysis and Force Field analyses, both are important for actual decision-making technique. Furthermore, highlighting the case of ‘The Guardian’ and the actual scenario in the newspaper industry in the developed economies will help us understand more about the potential impact of the mentioned analyses. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Findings 4 SWOT Analysis of ‘The Guardian’ 5 Description of Lewin’s Force Field Analysis 7 Force Field Analysis of the newspaper industry in the developed economies 7 Description of the Indian newspaper industry 7 Conclusion 8 References 9 Introduction The newspaper industry especially in the developed countries is going through a remarkable change. There are factors that can help explain this change. Although the pe riod of change has taken its place in the developed economies, the story is quite different in India. To deal more of this, the following points are included in this business report. Description of a PEST analysis, its purpose and the business benefit. A PEST analysis for the newspaper industry in the developed economies. ... Description of PEST Analysis. PEST analysis is essentially part of every planning activity, as its sheer purpose is to consider Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological changes in the business environment. This even leads to a high level of decision-making capability or reasonable decisions of the manager, as there will be exposure to probable changes prevailing in the business environment. These changes will therefore help the business world to find ways and means in order to create the remarkable opportunities linked to them. This leads the business world to consider PEST analysis as a management tool that is capable to give smart management and advanced warning of threats, pushing the yellow button to consider finding the right alternative courses of actions to take and outlining the best moves to do to change path if it is necessary. With this, the employment of PEST analysis will be able to guarantee at some certain level the ability of the business not to fall into serious mishaps, but rather a more meaningful view or approach of the new business environment. With the serious challenge linked to the prevailing changes that the newspaper industry in the developed countries is facing today, a PEST analysis is necessary to plan for the necessary courses of actions before things might be too late. PEST analysis for the newspaper industry in the developed countries. The online article, ‘Who killed the newspaper’ reveals some insightful information concerning the probable reasons why the newspaper industry in the developed countries is facing a significant challenge at the moment despite its success in the past years. a. Political. It is revealed that

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

This house support mandatory vaccinations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

This house support mandatory vaccinations - Essay Example This is where the government steps in with the interests of the general well being of the citizens in heart. Citation: Collier in his book ‘Vaccines’, 2004, explains that vaccines work to prime the immune system against future attacks by a particular disease. This disease could be either viral, bacterial, or any other disease causing agents. When a pathogen enters the body, the immune system generates antibodies to try to fight it off. In case of exposure to the same pathogen in the then or in the future, the antibodies will recognize it and fight it off. Interpretation: This is to mean that the individual has immunity against the disease he or she is vaccinated against. This is good since exposure to a disease common in a particular area means that he or she will not get infected therefore preventing its spread. Citation: Merino’s book ‘Should Vaccinations be Mandatory’ clearly states that the risks of natural infection outweigh those of immunization for each recommended vaccine. An example; a wild measles infection causes inflammation of the brain for 1 in every 1,000 infected persons. In general, measles infection results in the death of 2 out of every 1,000 infected persons. However, the combination of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine results in a severe allergic reaction only once in every million vaccinated persons at the same time preventing the spread and infection of measles. Evidence: With the global air travel increasing, there is an equal rise in the risk of exposure to infectious diseases abroad. Other travelers transmit and disseminate disease like in the case of polio and the dispersal of meningococcal strains by the returning pilgrims from Saudi Arabia. In the case of the Muslim Hajj, local authorities require vaccination from this disease and other forms of vaccinations like influenza and hepatitis B, for pilgrims. Citation:

Monday, September 23, 2019

The use of behaviourism theories on a social work case study Essay

The use of behaviourism theories on a social work case study - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the beginnings of social work are focused on the principle of providing aid to the people. There is minimal change in this perception, but it has shifted from the individual reformation to collective views. However, the central purpose remains to be the responsibility of helping the people, whether individually or collectively as one society. The vitality of social work practice has been never more emphasized with the prevalence of change and threats on each and every member of society. The most common concern of this discipline is the alterations of relationships and social institutions such as the family, which greatly affects the children. In response, theorists, psychologists, and social workers continue the study of human behavior and cognition to formulate methods and theories as a foundation for alleviating the effectiveness of social work. The use of the assumptions of behaviourism to empiricism is useful in examining the resul ts of the intervention. This demonstrates that social work practices grounded in this theory help provide better social work measures for both service provider and users. The case for this study is in Case Study No. 2 involving Gemma the 15-year-old daughter of Kitty and Tony and the sister of the nine-year-old Jake. Gemma is from a broken family with an absentee father, who left them after the discovery of Kitty’s extramarital activities with another woman. Gemma was once a promising child with good academic records.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Histone Deacetylase Sirtuin 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Histone Deacetylase Sirtuin 1 - Essay Example A comparison was then made of the methylated genes at different stages for their commonality and uniqueness in order to find the pattern across the stages of LUAD. Validation and ranking of the patterns for their significance were made using literature evidence. Consequently, the ranked patterns were later analyzed as potential targets of LUAD. Limitations of the study were also identified including lack of laboratory validation of identified targets and availability of information on TCGA. A number of results were obtained through table analysis. After the assessment, it was observed that the highest number of significant DNA methylated genes were found in stage III and the least in stage I. Upon reviewing the table which listed the common significant DNA methylated genes across and between stages it was found that sampled 10 genes it was found that the three most hypermethylated genes were found to be in stage III. The rest of the genes that were hypomethylated were distributed acr oss stage II and I, with the least hypomethylated in stage I. The above hypermethylated and hypomethylated genes were further analyzed with respect to their methylation inside and outside of the CpG islands. â€Å"It was identified that hypermethylated genes in Stages I and III and hypomethylated genes in Stage II were mostly identified in TRUE CpG sites† ( Yang et. al. 37256). When network construction and analysis was done it was found that a greater degree of interaction existed within the significant DNA methylated genes.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

IP addressing scenario Essay Example for Free

IP addressing scenario Essay According to the scenario, the company will have a single, physical location with approximately145 hosts on the network. In this case, I would suggest using a class C address such as 192. 168. 0. 0. Reason why is because you can put all the devices on a single subnet with the subnet mask 255. 255. 255. 0/24. This would allow for 253 usable host addresses, which is more than needed in this case. Whether you should dynamically or statically assign those IP’s goes, I suggest assigning it dynamically. Unless you don’t mind MANUALLY managing 218 hosts, you should definitely go with DHCP. The router will be well capable of handing out addresses for 145 hosts. Since there is only one location used in this case, only one network should be used as it will only complicate things to have more than one network. Since DHCP is being used as the suggestion, whether we should use a router and/or firewall, or utilizing Windows Server†¦the answer is yes. The router for dishing out the IP addresses and the firewall should be used for security purposes. Using Windows Server just for DHCP is rather overkill. Using these suggested methods should also accommodate for at least 50% growth within the next few years. Windows 2008 Network Services To understand the functions of DNS and DHCP, first we must acknowledge their necessities. Humans in general are fairly decent at remembering certain numbers, like home addresses, phone numbers, and Social Securities. And even those simple tasks are becoming difficult for us because of technology doing all the remembering for us. We are becoming lazier and more dependent on computers. If we can’t even do these menial tasks efficiently, how would you expect us to remember dozens of IP addresses for websites? This brings to a solution. Also known as name resolution, it allows us to enter the name of a website, and then the resolution service finds the IP address for that website and directs the request to that address. Domain Name System is the service that provides name resolution on networks and the Internet. When you specify a site address in your browser on your local network, a DNS server intercepts that request and checks its cache. If the IP address is in the cache from a previous request, the request is completed and your browser is directed to the IP address. If the address is not in the cache, DNS makes a query to the next DNS server above it until a server in the upstream chain is able to return the address. Dynamic Host Control Protocol is a service that automatically assigns IP addresses to devices that connect to the network. If a device is configured to automatically obtain an IP address, it sends out a request for an IP address when it connects to a network. The request may get more than one offer of an IP address, and the computer typically accepts the first offer that it gets. This relieves the network administrator of having to manage each device. Setting up a DHCP is really not necessary for either 2 computers even 5 computers as you could easily assign them statically. However, when it comes to managing 25 computers, I would absolutely assign it DHCP as it may become confusing have to track that many different devices.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Information Systems for Management

Information Systems for Management ICT- OUTCOME 1 Strategic management is the management at the up such as managing directors like John and Ian McIver from Ice queen who are responsible for making the unstructured decisions like goals and objective that the company strives to reach.  Ã‚   To make long term decisions based on their own judgement of the situation such as making future projection on how the company will perform.   This well be done by looking at how profitable the business has been by looking at accounts for last year to see what the profits so they can make decisions on how to move forward with the business.   Sales figures from other areas can also determine how well a product is selling and what products are popular on the market. Tactical management is a semi-structured level of management known as middle level management like Sharon Tang and Veronika they will monitor and analyse the existing systems used in the cold stores, shop and offices for 15 weeks then a presentation will be given on how effective these systems and four meetings for preparation will be taken prior to the project beginning and notes will be taken by Chelsea to record every key point at the meetings. Operational management is the structured level of management known as low level management Whitney and peter who will be by helping to analyse the system by gathering information from the staff by performing interviews and surveys at each of the four regional sites ready for Sharon to analysis. Three different types of information systems include the use of human information systems within Ice queen used by strategic management, tactical and operational levels because the need for decisions made at all these levels are important because machinery will never replace human decision making as the use of instincts and the use of the human eyes is sometimes the one of the way to observe and make the right decisions through all the levels of management within Ice Queen. Paper based system is another means of collating information on all three levels of management within Ice Queen because the use of paper information in an organisation is traceable when it comes to doing audits on the company at the end of the financial year. Strategic management may use this paper systems to illustrate policies and procedures within Ice Queen which would be the responsibility of John and Ian McIver to have these policies on paper so that they can be placed somewhere for all the employees so they can refer to them and adhere to them in the workplace.   Strategic management may also user paper information systems to draw up plans for the business or to evaluate aims and objectives as computer systems can sometimes fail and Ice Queen may need back up documents. Tactical management like Sharon Tang and Veronika might use paper systems to record comprehensive minutes for meetings that Chelsea is responsible for so they know what has been discussed at each of the meetings and to keep hard copies of the analysis being carried out on Ice Queen for them to be able to report to other staff at meetings. Operational management like Whitney and Peter so they can record how well the cold storage facilities are performing in each of the different depots within Ice Queen and the need for copies of how the machinery is designed and operated so they can evaluate how well their cold storage facility is operating. Computerised systems would be needed at all levels as well because at strategic levels plans that have been made within Ice Queen would have to be researched by checking where their competitions are in the market by being able to view figures from sites like company house so they can make plans to reach goals and objectives set by Ice Queen. Tactical Management such as Sharon Tang and Veronika in Ice Queen as they would have to use the project management software to plan the project step by step and making sure that all the timings and allocations of task to be performed are allocated to the right staff at the right time and to make sure that all the right holidays and time off are allocated but the project is still running to schedule. Operational Management such as Whitney and Peter as they need to use this system to analyse productivity within the work force and the machinery within the cold storage in Ice Queen by using the software that is available to them to complete their analysis. In the decision making there is information that govern management one of these is the Data Protection Act 1998 this pieces of legislation is paramount for Ice Queen as customers, supplier and staff as this data must be kept secure and is not just available to anybody as information could be miss used in an unlawful way such as people trying to defraud other companies or customer by using bank details or credit card details.   This data always must be accurate and up to date and measures must be taken to protect this data.   If this data is not protected and there is a breach, then the company can be fined up to 500,000 pounds. Health and safety legislation 2002 is also important in running a business as it could directly affect the employees health and safety as they should have a safe clean environment to work in which is free of potential hazards and dangers within the workplace.   By law there should always be first aiders on sight who are fully trained and certificated to deal with any medical assistance needed within the workplace. Customers are also at risk if these piece of legislation is not followed this could affect their health as cleanliness is a big issue in the workplace because if a company is not following hygiene rules which affect customers if machinery is not cleaned correctly or if machinery is not functioning properly could cause health issue for the customer, which would need to be rectified by calling in environmental health officers which could affect the company and could result in the company been fined or worst case scenario being closed down. Outcome 2 WAN (wide area network) is distributed geographically for a private communication network this connects lots of different LAN (local area network). Wan can be connected to company headquarters or branch offices and a router is used to connect LAN and WAN. WAN shares access to application s services and other centrally located resources.   This means that the same application server and firewall does not have to be installed in lots of locations by use of VPN (virtual private network) which connects between WAN sites. LAN (local area network) is used when a group of computers and devices can share communications by a wireless link to a server LAN is computers and devices connected to a server in different areas such as an office or a commercial establishment.   Mobile phones also use LAN as it shares resources. LAN can be used a small number of users if used in a small office but can be used in a larger area if used in a larger office. The Internet is used to research information usually used direct from a router or modem devices this is used to check everything possible such as train times to news stories.   Internet is also used for transporting information by using the cloud, emails and using systems like skype to talk to people all over the world. The benefits for the use of WAN in Ice Queen is that they can sent the same information through memos to staff at the click of a button about anything concerning the company that employees might need to know which will save time for the company.   Another benefit of this is all the computer systems are linked so any information that Ice Queen may require during the up and coming project can be accessed through computer systems in different geographical areas which saves time and money for the company so the project runs to plan. The benefits of LAN for Ice Queen are information that Sharon may require can be accessed by using any other equipment available to her such as a company laptop that may have access to this information.   Another benefit is the use of a wireless devices such as a printer as this is wireless as is easy to connect to if needed to record minutes for meeting on paper copy. The benefits of the internet are Ice queen can contact anybody in a geographical location using email or even easier using skype or even the use of the cloud if they wanted to share certain documents with different employees within the business.   Which keeps these documents safe and secure?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Unsupervised Neural networks A neural network is a system composed of many simple processing elements operating in parallel whose function is determined by network structure, connection strengths, and the processing performed at computing elements or nodes. Neural networks are commonly known as "artificial neural network" (ANN). An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an information-processing system that is evolved by the way biological nervous systems works, such as the human brain. Neural networks have broad applicability to real world business problems. In fact, they have already been successfully applied in many industries. Since neural networks are best at identifying patterns or trends in data, they are well suited for prediction or forecasting needs including: Sales forecasting Industrial process control Customer research Data validation Risk management Target marketing These neural networks are also used in the following specific paradigms: recognition of speaker s in communications; diagnosis of hepatitis; recovery of telecommunications from faulty software; inte...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Analysis of Major Characters :: English Literature

Analysis of Major Characters Although Lennie is among the principal characters in Of Mice and Men, he is perhaps the least dynamic. He undergoes no significant changes, development, or growth throughout the novel and remains exactly as the reader encounters him in the opening pages. Simply put, he loves to pet soft things, is blindly devoted to George and their vision of the farm, and possesses incredible physical strength. Nearly every scene in which Lennie appears confirms these and only these characteristics. Although Steinbeck’s insistent repetition of these characteristics makes Lennie a rather flat character, Lennie’s simplicity is central to Steinbeck’s conception of the novel. Of Mice and Men is a very short work that manages to build up an extremely powerful impact. Since the tragedy depends upon the outcome seeming to be inevitable, the reader must know from the start that Lennie is doomed, and must be sympathetic to him. Steinbeck achieves these two feats by creating a protagonist who earns the reader’s sympathy because of his utter helplessness in the face of the events that unfold. Lennie is totally defenseless. He cannot avoid the dangers presented by Curley, Curley’s wife, or the world at large. His innocence raises him to a standard of pure goodness that is more poetic and literary than realistic. His enthusiasm for the vision of their future farm proves contagious as he convinces George, Candy, Crooks, and the reader that such a paradise might be possible. But he is a character whom Steinbeck sets up for disaster, a character whose innocence only seems to ensure his inevitable destruction. George Like Lennie, George can be defined by a few distinct characteristics. He is short-tempered but a loving and devoted friend, whose frequent protests against life with Lennie never weaken his commitment to protecting his friend. George’s first words, a stern warning to Lennie not to drink so much lest he get sick, set the tone of their relationship. George may be terse and impatient at times, but he never strays from his primary purpose of protecting Lennie. Unlike Lennie, however, George does change as the story progresses. The reader learns that he is capable of change and growth during his conversation with Slim, during which he admits that he once abused Lennie for his own amusement. From this incident George learned the moral lesson that it is wrong to take advantage of the weak. Of Mice and Men follows him toward a difficult realization that the world is designed to prey on the weak. At the start of the novel, George is something of an idealist. Despite his hardened, sometimes gruff exterior, he believes in the story of their future farm that he tells

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Role of the Individual: A look inside the Galactic World of Star Wa

Star Wars takes place a long time ago in a galaxy that is unlike anything modern society could conceive as being authentic. It exists in a time before Earth was even thought of. At the start of the movie, a civil war is occurring between the Rebel Alliance and The Galactic Empire. A leader of the Rebel Alliance, Princess Leia, stole plans from the Galactic Empire (also known as the Imperial forces) for the Death Star. The Death Star was a very heavily armed space station with weapons capable of destroying an entire planet. After stealing the plans, Princess Leia sent two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, to the planet Tatooine with a copy of the plans in R2-D2's memory bank. The droids are then captured and sold to a farming family. The nephew of the farming family was Luke Skywalker. Skywalker decided to clean the droids and triggered a message from Princess Leia requesting assistance from an Obi-Wan Kenobi. Skywalker doesn't know who that is but he does know of a Ben Kenobi. The next day he seeks out Ben Kenobi and Ben introduces himself as Obi-Wan Kenobi. He reveals to Skywalker that he was a former Jedi Knight. A Jedi Knight is a peacekeeper in the Star Wars galaxy. This is the point in the movie where some action begins. Kenobi reveals to Luke that Luke's father, Anakin Skywalker, was also a Jedi Knight. Ben and Anakin fought together in the galactic wars. Luke is told his father was killed by Darth Vader. Kenobi gives Luke his father's light saber. Kenobi views the message that the droid R2-D2 contains. In the message, Princess Leia begs Kenobi to take the plans stored in R2-D2's memory bank to the planet of Alderaan. Princess Leia wishes for her father to analyze the Death Star plans. Luke is asked by Kenobi to accompany him on... ...TH 32). The light saber is much more than just a weapon in the Star Wars galaxy. The lightsaber must be used actively. It is not like a magical amulet or talisman that provides passive protection against evil. It is something that must be actively used and the way it is used can be for good or evil. The wielder holds a lot of power when it comes to a light saber. If Luke uses it for good, the light side of the force, then the light saber is a symbol of justice. However, if he uses it for evil, the dark side of the force, then it is a symbol of destruction. The light saber being given to Luke is just one of Kenobi's responsibilities. The other responsibility of Kenobi is to help Luke find his place in society by introducing him to the Force. In order for Luke to understand what the force is about, Kenobi must guide him how it is used for both good and evil (MYTH 36).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation

Is Female Genital Mutilation A Moral Practice Female genital mutilation (FGM) is not a morally justified practice. It is an unnecessary procedure that has no medical health benefits to the girls and women it is being performed on. According to Utilitarianism, we should produce the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest number affected. Utilitarian’s also believe that we should alleviate the greatest amount of pain and suffering for the greatest number affected. Based on Utilitarian grounds, FGM has no medical health benefits and it is a completely unnecessary act on females in this culture.It is also an extremely painful procedure that has very serious short term and long term side effects, including death. Jeremy Bentham, an Act Utilitarian, developed the hedonic calculus, which is a â€Å"scientific† methodology for determining which pleasures ought to be pursued and which pains ought to be avoided. FGM is an example of the pains that â€Å"ought† to be a voided. This principle enables individuals to provide good reasons for their course of action. When we are deliberating about the right thing to do, Bentham maintains that we must always account for the pleasures and pains.Examples of this are the intensity, duration, certainty or uncertainty, remoteness, fecundity, purity and extent of the pleasure or pain. In order to understand why FGM is not a morally justified practice and why it goes against the principles of Utilitarianism, you have to know what FGM is. You need to learn who it is being performed on and what age, why it is being done, where it is happening, how it is performed, and what short term and long term side effects occur, after this procedure has been done.The pain and suffering that is resulting from this procedure is going against the greatest happiness principle of Utilitarianism. There is a reason why it is no longer called female circumcision and is now being referred to as female genital mutilation. FGM is an u n-safe, un-sterile procedure that is taking place in many foreign countries around the world including Egypt, the Sudan, the Horn of Africa, the Middle East and Malaysia (Winter, Par. 6). FGM harms girls and women in these cultures by causing them severe pain and multiple serious side effects.According to the hedonic calculus, and the principle of intensity, it states that some pleasures and pains are more intense than others. The girls or women in this culture are being put through an extreme amount of intense pain for no beneficial reason. The procedure is being done by midwives or older â€Å"experienced† women in the villages that do not have any medical training and are not educated in the field of medicine. Not only is FGM a dangerous procedure, but it also has physical, sexual and mental consequences (Amnesty International USA, Par. 3).According to the World Health Organization, this practice has many serious side effects including shock, hemorrhage (bleeding), tetanus or sepsis (bacterial infection), urine retention, open sores in the genital region and injury to nearby genital tissue (Par. 13). Other side effects can include death, serious infections, HIV, abscesses, small benign tumors, and clitoral cysts (wolvesdream, Par. 5). The World Health Organization has also reported many long term consequences which include; recurrent bladder and urinary tract infections, cysts, infertility, an increased risk of childbirth complications and newborn deaths (Par. 4). It can also lead to a need for later surgeries in life (Par. 14). For example, the FGM procedure that seals or narrows a vaginal opening needs to be cut open later in life to allow for sexual intercourse and childbirth (Par. 14). In this same procedure, women could be cut and stitched repeatedly, leading to further complications and more long term risks. Along with the high risk of short term and long term side effects, the biggest issue resulting from this procedure is death. FGM is the re moval of all or part of the external parts of the female genitalia.It is a cultural practice that started in some African countries over 2000 years ago (wolvesdream, Par. 1). According to this same source, FGM is primarily a cultural practice, not a religious practice (Par. 1). However, in some cultures they do include it as part of their religion (Par. 1). In these foreign countries, FGM has become something that is just expected and defines them to their culture (Par. 1). According to the people in this culture, girls will not become women, or adults for that matter, if this procedure is not performed.Most will be considered un-clean and will not be able to marry without the procedure (Par. 9). In some cultures, the reasoning for this procedure, is that it will reduce the woman’s desire for sex, therefore reducing the chance of sex outside the marriage (Amnesty International USA, Par. 7). We can refer this to the purity aspect of the hedonic calculus, which states that some pleasures or pains are purer than others. Why is it fair to take away the pleasure of sexual intercourse from women, but not from men in this culture?What prevents the men from going outside the vows of a marriage? What is reducing their desire for sex and why are they considered â€Å"clean† without performing some kind of horrendous procedure? In this culture, since marriage is often the only role available for women, it is impossible for them to marry if they have not undergone this procedure (Par. 7). Is this procedure only being done to women in this culture because they do not value women? Is their only role in the community reproduction in order to maintain the culture and its practices?FGM is carried out at various ages in a girl’s life but it is most frequently around the ages of four to eight years of age (wolvesdream, Par. 3). Referring back to Bentham’s hedonic calculus and the principle of remoteness, it states that some pleasures and pains may com e sooner than others. The girls that are enduring this procedure are at a very young, immature and undeveloped age. However, the pain inflicted in the procedure doesn’t end here. It can be a lifetime of pain and suffering with every sexual encounter or birth.Looking further at the hedonic calculus and the principle of certainty or uncertainty, it states that there is either pleasure or pain in an act. The girls in this culture are forced into this procedure knowing that they will have to endure an extreme amount of pain that could last a lifetime, depending on the circumstances. According to an article written on FGM, there are three different types of FGM that take place in different cultures (Par. 3). The first one is called Sunna Circumcision which is the removal of the prepuce (retractable fold of skin, or hood) or the tip of the clitoris (Par. ). In this culture Sunna is Arabic for â€Å"tradition† (Par. 3). The second type is Clitoridectomy which is the removal o f the entire clitoris (prepuce and glands) and the removal of the adjacent labia (Par. 3). The third type is called infibulation (pharonic circumcision) which consists of performing a clitoridectomy (removal of all or part of the labia minora, the labia majora) (Par. 3). This is then stitched up allowing only a small hole to remain open to allow for urine and menstrual blood to flow through (Par. 3).To conduct this procedure the midwives or village women use various un-sanitized instruments including; broken glass, tin can lids, blunt knives, scissors, and razor blades (Amnesty International USA, Par. 3). In most cases, these items are used repeatedly, without any type of sterilization or disinfecting. This practice has lead to the rapid spread of many diseases, high infection rates and HIV. Typically, this procedure is performed without any anesthesia and there are no antibiotics given to prevent infection. The only medical treatment they receive is being stitched up using anything from cat or lamb intestine, to the use of thorns (Par. ). If infibulation or a clitoridectomy is performed, their legs are bound for up to two months while their wounds heal, leaving them immobilized (Par. 3). We can refer this back to the hedonic calculus and the principle of duration, which states that some pleasures or pains will last longer than others.Depending on the type of procedure done and how it is done, these girls could endure a lifetime of pain and suffering resulting from this practice. According to research, an estimated 135 million girls and women have undergone FGM and 2 million girls a year are at risk for having this procedure done (Amnesty International USA, Par. ). This accounts for approximately 6,000 girls per day (Amnesty International USA, Par. 5). Referring back to the hedonic calculus, the extent of pain and suffering that is being inflicted on the girls and women of this culture is astounding and the numbers are staggering. After reading about FGM and t he culture it is being performed in, some cultural relativists may argue that the ethical understandings vary between cultures and what may be considered morally wrong in one culture may be perfectly acceptable in another.However, considering the fact that FGM involves the deliberate infliction of severe pain and suffering and that its effects can be life threatening, it does not follow the greatest happiness principle in Utilitarianism. Not only is it a violation of the rights of females but because it is most commonly performed on girls ranging in age from birth to adolescence, it is a grave violation of Children’s Human Rights (Amnesty International USA, Par. 10).In conclusion, female genital mutilation is not a morally justified practice because it goes against the greatest happiness principle of Utilitarianism. It violates the rights of females and female children. It causes serious pain and suffering that can last a lifetime. The amount and seriousness of the side effec ts outnumber any traditional or religious values that some cultures believe in. Therefore, according to Utilitarian grounds, we should produce the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest number affected by eliminating this cultural practice all together.In doing this we would be alleviating the greatest amount of pain and suffering for the greatest number affected.Works Cited Amnesty International USA. Action for Human Rights. Hope for Humanity. n. d. Female Genital Mutilation: A Fact Sheet. Web. 27 Sept. 2010. â€Å"Female Genital Mutilation. † n. p. wolvesdreams. tripod. com. n. d. Web. 25 Sept. 2010. Winter, Mary. â€Å"Female Genital Mutilation. † The Rocky Mountain News, 31 Jan. 1996. Print. World Health Organization. Female Genital Mutilation, 2010. Web. 25 Sept. 2010.

The Contemporary International System

The Contemporary International System The structure of the contemporary international system involves many different factors that influence how the world operates today. The international system is defined as the study of the interactions among the various actors that participate in international politics, including states, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, sub-national entities, and individuals. The study of international relations aims to evaluate how countries interact within the political and social international system.Factors such as, technological change, shifts of national power and various changes in the environment influence today’s system and how we live on a day-to-day basis. History is another factor that must be recognized in the shaping of the world system. Events that occurred in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have a great impact today, as we are able to make future projections based on historical trends. The operation and stru cture of the international system involves various social and political factors that shape the world we live in today.The shaping of the contemporary system was achieved through the concept of globalization. This idea is often referred to as the â€Å"shrinkage of the world† and has been made possible through the advancement in modern technology. Globalization is the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through an international network of political ideas. Today, a nation’s technological capability is the main indicator of its power. Technology directly affects a nation’s economic growth though innovation.This growth then allows that country to produce military weapons for protection and could potentially throw off the balance of power between states. Technology and innovation can also determine a nation’s trade capacity, which can limit the amount a country can import and export. A nation with great trade cap abilities will experience international financial flows into their country, thus stimulating economic growth. Technology provides a framework for both the relative and absolute power between states and greatly impacts the structure of the international system.For example, if we evaluate the correlation of power and technology throughout history, we see that the United States and Germany experienced dramatic changes in their global position following the second industrial revolution, just as Great Britain had following the first industrial revolution. These powers have since failed to maintain their place at the forefront of technological innovation, and have faded from the international scene. Countries like Japan have been very technologically advanced for the last 50 years and have moved to the forefront of the international scene.The global scene that was once dominated by the United States, may have a new power due to Japan’s vast technological and innovative capabilities . Businesses have also globalized, as they are now able to interact with companies overseas with the click of a button. Since travel has become â€Å"easy† businesses are now able to meet face to face with their international partners on a regular basis. There are proper customs that people must follow when engaging in foreign business practices. For example, the exchange of business cards is a formal practice in countries like China and Japan.Foreign business associates may see it as a sign of disrespect if one is not educated on the proper customs of that country. The structure and operation of the international system is also influenced by the behaviors of the actors within that system. For centuries, the idea of the â€Å"state† was centered upon the idea of inclusion and exclusion. This idea became the centerpiece of national politics for centuries and is a major reason for conflicts within the system. After the French Revolution these states were formed on the th ree ideologies of realism, liberalism, and idealism.Karen Mingst and Jack Snyder define these ideologies and explain the assumptions behind the weaknesses that lead to misguided policies. Realism instills an appreciation of the role of power but warns that states will suffer if they overreach. The cooperation among states is a way to maximize each individual state’s security and often calls for â€Å"backing† during times of conflict. World War II resembles a realist idea as each state was drawn to fight to maximize its own security. Liberalism identifies the potential for democracies, but also notes that democracies can lead to tyrannies and the threat of a violent collapse.This arose after World War I in response to the inability to control and limit war within the international system. Lastly, Idealism stresses that a state’s values must reinforce any stable political order but recognizes that there is also a potential for conflict. Together these three persp ectives form the core of the contemporary international system. In order to fully understand the contemporary international system, we must first understand the historical trends in the state and international system.International Relations can be traced back to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 where the modern state system was developed. This instituted the concept of sovereignty, which is defined as absolute and perpetual power invested in a commonwealth. This power does not exist in an individual, but in a state. In this, the leaders are limited by divine law and are â€Å"subject to the laws of God and nature. † This belief is still held today and believers attribute the legitimacy of the state to the consent of the people. After all, the â€Å"people† are the fundamental the source of all political power.In conclusion, the contemporary international system was shaped on the basis of globalization, the behaviors of the actors within the international system, and the evaluation of historical patterns. The world is constantly changing and evolving toward a more connected population. The widespread use of social media and continued advances in technology allow the population to connect with each other as if they were sitting in the same room. As we move toward this new era, we must identify these historical patterns in order to further improve our future international relations.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Contrast between Growing up as a Single Child

My brother and I always compare and want to the better than each other. Since I have experienced both growing as only child and with siblings, I have several perspectives similarities and differences between rising up in single child family and having siblings. No matter we have siblings or not, are the first one we communicate with, so parents are their role model in their childhood. Parents are the one who can affect their children the most. It may determine their personality by different methods of parenting.Growing up as only child and with siblings can have similar personality. For instance, I have a younger bother but my friend does not. Our parents have similar occupation and they are talkative people. When my friend and was developing our personality, we both have a out-going mind and easy to talk with people. Therefore, parents are the most important characteristic when we are growing up. Only children don't grow up with interaction, so they learn to be children on their own . Children, who have brothers and sisters, are raised among heir siblings.They tend to compare with their playmates. When they have conversation, play games together, or solve problems, they can share their different opinions In order to learn how to cooperate with people. By the time they are growing up, elder siblings always can help parents to take care younger siblings. Younger siblings also can learn from older siblings because children are easier to intimate what are other people doing. Only children would have less opportunity to get interaction and cooperation. Another difference is getting and sharing stuffs.Growing up with brothers and sister has to share everything in the family, such as rooms, toys, etc. In the single child family, parents have only one kid to spend money on and he or she does not have to share stuffs with anybody. Therefore, they can get more toys than the children who have siblings. Only children have all things that parents are given. For example, if there are two families from middle class and have enough money to afford one child to study aboard, the child, who does not have filings will get the chance to study overseas because only children family can spend all the money to one child.However, the families, which have more than one child, need to balance what their kids needed. In this case, parents are most likely not a single child and with siblings are more than the similarities of those. They born have pros and cons. But, I feel grateful that I have a younger bother. He makes me to learn sharing and cooperating earlier than single children. I feel there always someone accompanies me.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Thinkers In Ancient Greece And In The Enlightenment Education Essay

AbstractionIn the centuries between Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment, revolutions irrevocably altered the position quo in many Fieldss. One of the largest beginnings of extremist alteration was found in the instruction system. Whether analysing the methods of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, or Mary Wollstonecraft, the importance of the parts made by each mind is manifested non merely in their several period, but besides in the modern universe. The most of import differences in the instruction systems of the Enlightenment and Ancient Greece lie non in the lessons taught, but in their deductions on pupils and society. The displacements in progressive attitudes held by the minds of these periods, the focal point and importance of humanistic disciplines instruction, and the function of adult females in the schoolroom are the extreme representations of alteration between two of the most radical periods in history.Thinkers in Ancient Greece and in the Enl ightenmentAncient Greek minds Sappho, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are arguably the most outstanding educational revolutionists of the period, and their replies sing inquiries of humanity, citizenship, truth and morality have held influence relevant beyond their old ages ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Murphy argues that Sappho ‘s educational political orientations revolved around cultivating the pupil as a whole while besides functioning as a wise man for immature adult females in order to better their abilities as married womans and Greeks, while Socrates questioned the function of the instructor in inquiring inquiries to develop their pupils ‘ abilities – known as the Socratic Method – and the importance of the morality in the schoolroom ( 2006 ) . Socrates besides argued that the ultimate donee in social instruction was society itself ( Harris, 2009 ) . Influenced by the methods and theories of Sappho and Socrates, Plato and Aristotle developed their ain doctrines ; Plato ‘s political orientations argued that the â€Å" intent of instruction is to assist the pupils to turn and develop their character, † ( Murphy, 2006 ) and that instruction is straight correlated and catered to those who will hold power in their state. Aristotle saw instruction as â€Å" enquiry into everything, plus airing of the end point cognition, † particularly when separating between â€Å" right † and â€Å" incorrect † ( Harris, 2009 ) . While the minds in Ancient Greece aimed to understand the human encephalon and how to outdo cultivate it, radical heads in the Enlightenment sought to understand the deductions of this cultivation. In a survey sing schools in the Enlightenment conducted by Owens ( 2011 ) , it was found that â€Å" early schools focused on instilling pupils with proper cognition to i ¬?rst be good members of the church, and secondly be good Christian members of their immediate community. † Outstanding minds of the Enlightenment, including Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Locke and Mary Wollstonecraft held positions that built upon the Ancient Greek foundation of instruction. Rousseau ‘s purposes, as argued by Jonathan Israel ( 2012 ) , were to guarantee that instruction and nature were in harmoniousness ; he advocated gender segregated instruction under the comprehension that males and females of course learned in different ways. Authority, Rousseau argued, could non be used as a instruction method ; if a kid was taught under a rigorous authorization, they would larn nil but the power of this force ( Zuckerman, 2012 ) . John Locke sought a liberated pupil. Through learning a â€Å" natural equality † ( Ruderman & A ; Godwin, 2000 ) , therefore leting him to use his rules in a general manner, Locke opposed political intercession and segregation in instruction while recommending for the modern thought of home-schooling. Mary Wollstonecraft has been hailed as the outstanding â€Å" feminist pedagogue † of the Enlightenment ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Her educational theories included speculations on Locke ‘s doctrine and the Socratic Method ; through recommending equality for adult females in the schoolroom and in society, Wollstonecraft was able to construct her theories around moral individualities of pupils and the deductions of gender on instruction ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The attitudes of minds in Ancient Greece revolved around groking the basic capablenesss of human cognition, while their Enlightenment-based opposite numbers sought the ability to construct upon and use these instructions in order to make an ideal pupil. Assorted theories, such as the Socratic Method or John Locke ‘s â€Å" clean slate † attack to instruction, have been introduced through these minds and their prevalence in the schoolroom is still noteworthy. The displacements between centuries manifest themselves in the sense of â€Å" higher † believing achieved by the philosophers of the Enlightenment ; without Ancient Greek contemplations on character development through instruction, there could be no doctrine sing how best to use and maximise the potency of the head.The Value of an Humanistic disciplines EducationIn a duologue between Ancient Greek philosophers Socrates and Glaucon, in which the virtues and hurts of an humanistic disciplines instruction are de bated, the value of groking poesy or engaging in art, Socrates argues, is good merely for personal growing – there can be small to no benefit for the province ( Of what value is humanistic disciplines instruction? , 2002 ) . Traditional instruction in Ancient Greece necessitated merely a basic comprehension of the humanistic disciplines for male pupils while females were taught chiefly through dance, vocal and poesy ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The end of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle was to accomplish a virtuous pupil through instruction ; merely Sappho aimed to accomplish this virtuousness entirely through demonstrating and learning the humanistic disciplines to her pupils – with the ultimate end of doing them nubile ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The position of the pupil as a animal necessitating to be tamed with cognition left no room for the docile chase of groking the humanistic disciplines. Ancient Greece, though the pinnacle of early progressive thought in the field of instruction, focused more entirely on the cultivation of people who could lend their able heads to society instead than lending their exactness for understanding the humanistic disciplines. Jean-Jacques Rousseau contributed assorted positions on the deductions of learning pupils the humanistic disciplines. He argued that if his co-workers taught scientific disciplines and the humanistic disciplines as a exclusive course of study, â€Å" they would be destroying the state ‘s kids by fixing them for leisure and enjoyment, alternatively of for labor, for luxury alternatively of asceticism, for refinement alternatively of simpleness † ( Israel, 2012 ) . Sing the deficiency of humanistic disciplines in Sparta, Rousseau viewed the early metropolis as oppressive to poets, and its abilities to throw out from its walls artists a point of virtuousness ; an inflexible sense of moral virtuousness and instruction could non be intertwined with disingenuous chases if successful teaching method were to be achieved ( 2012 ) . While the Enlightenment was a clip of higher acquisition and diverse thought, the purposes of instruction were to cultivate reasonability in pupils an d give them the tools to successfully oppugn their universe ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Friedrich Froebel advocated the usage of these tools in humanistic disciplines instruction, as he believed kids could heighten larning through hands-on comprehension and develop a autonomous sense of drama and creativeness ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Cultivating the â€Å" whole kid, † it could be argued, included guaranting all of their possible involvements were explored, irrespective of social benefits. The ends of minds in the Enlightenment in mention to instruction frequently overlap ; their methodological analysis of accomplishment, nevertheless, shows obvious contempt or intent for cultivating the disingenuous gustatory sensations of the pupil. The benefits associated with teaching pupils about humanistic disciplines, as argued by Socrates, could be merely personal, or, as argued by Rousseau, largely useless in society. Basically, the deductions of learning pupils about the humanistic disciplines are still considered in modern instruction. Between Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment, positions became more polarizing sing the humanistic disciplines, and the development of course of study in both periods reflects these alterations.The Education of WomenThe end of educating adult females in Ancient Greece was chiefly to develop them for a life of matrimony and family responsibilities. Women ‘s schools, such as that of Sappho, existed merely to heighten pupils ‘ abiliti es to execute undertakings in the place sphere ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Even within Sappho ‘s school, non all adult females were equal in their lowered position ; Sappho taught adult females about appropriate behaviors and appropriate frock, but held obvious disdain for adult females who did non partake in properness. Ingalls ( 1999 ) found that Sappho viewed behavior as the extreme representation of accomplishment, saying that â€Å" a adult female who has wealth without civilization will lend nil worthwhile, nil memorable to her community. † The virtues of a school chiefly covering with the instruction of adult females become overshadowed by the fact that these adult females were viewed merely every bit objects to go mistily civilized and married off to work forces, at which point their lives would go around around maintaining a place and raising kids in order to be ideal representations of society ( Murphy, 2006 ) . During the Enlightenment, the political orientations environing the deductions of gender became more outstanding ; instruction, it was argued, should be based on ability instead than gender ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Rousseau argued that boys entirely should larn practical, â€Å" manfully † accomplishments such as measuring and woodworking, while misss entirely would larn of spinning, run uping and cleaning. This segregation was in concurrency with Rousseau ‘s theory that instruction should fix kids for work ( Israel, 2012 ) . Differences in gender besides served to explicate sensed differences in head. Biology, it was argued, was the ground adult females had â€Å" presence of head, trenchancy, and elusive observations, † yet these accomplishments were non suited in practical facets of life, and should be utilized largely in developing feminine functions of female parents and married womans ( Sobe, 2012 ) . Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the first women's rightist pedagogu es, argued against the sensed restrictions of sex ; by actively disapproving of traditionally â€Å" female † chases such as usage of cosmetics and unreal idiosyncrasies, Wollstonecraft was able to run for the release of the female pupil in the schoolroom and in society ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The deductions of gender in the schoolroom in both Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment played of import functions in the construct of instruction and equality. Womans in society – as pupils, kids, female parents or married womans – faced segregation based on their sex and their sensed inability to execute the same undertakings as their male opposite numbers. In Ancient Greece, the construct of feminist intercession was to farther segregate adult females pupils in order to learn them properness through stringency and the humanistic disciplines. The Enlightenment, though immensely improved in the rights of worlds, played host to revolutionary ideas sing the instruction and capablenesss of females, in so far as that their abilities may fit those of work forces. The growing in instruction systems following each period is representative of the changes in social focal point and an obvious illustration of the difference between Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment.DecisionTho ugh centuries apart, both Ancient Greece the Enlightenment are vastly brooding of non merely each other, but modern society. The foundations for instruction discovered and built upon in Ancient Greek society served as the basis for gestating and overhauling instruction during the Enlightenment. The differences and similarities of attitudes held by radical minds of each clip period, the virtues and hurts of an arts instruction and the deductions of adult females in instruction service as representatives of some of the greatest displacements between the periods. Contributions of these clip periods hold unreplaceable value and obvious deductions on the instruction systems of today ; groking the huge differences of these two radical clip periods gives a great trade of penetration sing perceived values of instruction and the patterned advance of cognition within society.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Can focussing on the individual patients needs and personalising their Essay

Can focussing on the individual patients needs and personalising their care plans improve recovery on acute mental health wards - Essay Example Patient needs are different, and different patient require different needs depending on their condition. Therefore, individualizing patient care helps the patient b taken care of in the right manner while receiving the best health services aiming at making the patient comfortable and recover well from an illness. Even though care in the delivery of nursing services is individualized, challenges still occur in the nursing practices in developing a personalized approach to the development of care plan. Therefore, in the process of improving the nursing services rendered to mental health patients, the nurses are required to assess comprehensively and respond to the users individualized service needs and the risks identified. Through actively engaging, the service users in developing nursing care plan that encompasses social, psychological, spiritual and physical needs reduces the risks from developing (Ervin 2006, pp.126–130). Nursing care plans are central components of nursing services being delivered to the users. In making and planning care of patients, nurses should adopt the provision of individualized care that is personalized. The consumers of the services, who are the patients, need to receive a copy if the care plans after they have participated in its development. The care plan should contain the patients views and what they would wish to receive as part of their care and be encouraged to sign it (Tsirintani et al. 2001, p.10). When service users are encouraged to participate and be at the center of developing nursing care and care through the approaches of care planning promotes patients empowerment and supports them through the recovery process. The centrality of care that is individualized in planning has a vital outcome in the services being received by the personalized care treatment and support. The process involves the assessment of the patients’ needs and the planning and delivery of care

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Human resources Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human resources - Assignment Example Interpersonal skills of different level of employees must be observed and analysed randomly. A lower level of interpersonal skills in more number of employees is indicative towards the need of team building. After the need assessment, the next step is checking the adaptability of existing training modules within the organisational structure of the department to be trained. A general approach must include trainings on interpersonal skills, leadership skills, communication skills and ‘motivation’. The need assessment should develop a picture on how the employees are going to perceive the activities and content of each of these modules. Motivation and aspiration of employees are two important factors to be considered while planning a team building training. The hierarchical structure of employees is also to be understood before finalising the need of team building training. The observations out of this need assessment exercise can be used to decide whether team building is needed or not. Thus any request for team building training must be preceded by a need assessment. However, it is advisable to brief the organisation with the structure of the training and the importance of need assessment before committing the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Target marget Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Target marget - Essay Example p.). While innovators are proven â€Å"risk takers† who are the â€Å"first 2.5%† that will purchase a product, and early adopters are the ones who will purchase a product after some positive response from the overall market (about 13.5% of consumers), the early majority are the group of consumers who actually tends to avoid risk and purchase a product after majority of the market have already made a positive response about the product (34% of consumers) (â€Å"Product Diffusion Curve,† n. p.). Meanwhile, consumers in the late majority group are characterized by skeptic consumers who are only willing to purchase a product after the product is already commonly used (another 34%), and laggards are the ones that will last purchase a product (16% of consumers) (, n. p.). With this knowledge, I will choose to target the early majority; given that I am offering a new product, I would package the product to immediately generate positive response and interest . I am optimistic that getting the support of the early majority would lead the product to be accepted by majority of consumers. Works Cited â€Å"Product Diffusion Curve.† Quickmba, n. d. Web. 14 February 2011.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction The kinetics of a Lab Report

Factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction The kinetics of a Thiosulfate Solution - Lab Report Example The first protonation occurs at the sulfur atom. (Holleman & Wiberg, 2001) Various approaches are used to study the kinetics of reactions. A usual procedure is to monitor some property, such as intensity of color due to a reactant or product, which changes during the course of a reaction. In the present experiment, the priority studied is the precipitation of a product, sulfur, which forms when solution of hydrochloric acid and Thiosulfate are mixed. On mixing a solution of acid, such as HCI, and a thiosulfate solution, there is an initial time-delay, then a precipitate of sulfur appears fairly sharply. The time interval between initial mixing and sulfur precipitation is a measure of the initial rate of reaction (i.e. the amount of time for a given amount of product, sulfur, to form). Recall that a rate for a chemical reaction is expressed as an amount of product formed (or reactant used up) divided by the time interval of the change: The aim of my experiment is to determine the dependence of the initial rate of reaction on the initial concentration of thiosulfate ion. The concentration of the other reactant, H+, will be kept constant. A higher initial concentration of thiosulfate will lead to faster rate of reaction, since an increase in the number of thiosulfate ions per unit volume will lead to higher probability for successful collision. (2) A solution of 1 M sodium thiosulfate, is available (center bench or hood). Add 70 mL of this solution to 210 mL of water to make a solution approximately 0.25 M in thiosulfate. We will refer to this as your "stock thiosulfate solution". (7) The experiment is now repeated four more times, using progressively more dilute thiosulfate solutions. Note, however, that for each experiment, the disappearance of the "X" corresponds to formation of the same amount of precipitated sulfur in the reaction mixture. The diluted solutions are prepared as follows: Both

Monday, September 9, 2019

Veteran Benefits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Veteran Benefits - Research Paper Example These problems include excessive use of alcohol and very aggressive behaviors. The research even shows that the problems become worse instead of being better as time passes. The same research states that these army officials experience the issue of post traumatic stress as they try to refit in the normal civilian life. This is because they not have co-soldiers to help them settle in their civilian lives. The research shows that out of 1800 veterans, 23 to 33 percent of them presented signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The activities they presented included very aggressive behaviors such as slamming doors, punching walls and starting fights without any reason ((Paulson, 2007). The research even showed that national guards were experiencing issues with settling in normal civilian life as they did not had the support of other soldiers and the standard of their health coverage was inferior than the health coverage provided to active military personnel. Another problem faced by vete ran soldiers is that they have to wait for a very long period of time to gain medical coverage or attention. The research showed that veterans were getting medical coverage after 110 days of claim have passed and there were a huge number of veterans that needed medical attention. Other health problems experienced by these veterans include muscular pain. Many soldiers have reported pain in their back, neck, shoulders and knees. Environmental elements and exposure to toxic chemicals have left the veterans with life taking diseases such as heart diseases. Veterans have even experienced infections when they returned from war. Although they have been injected with various vaccinations but these vaccinations cannot control all the infections. US military does not have vaccines for various infections. Other health issues faced by veterans include loss of hearing or problems with hearing such as vibration and ringing in the ears. These issues are experienced due to continuous exposure to gu n fire. Many veterans have presented brain injuries also known as Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI). These have been caused due to any injury to the head. The effects of TBI includes loss of short and long term memory, loss of eye sight, depression, decrease in span of attention, and various other issues. Unemployment – Almost every year more than three hundred thousand military officials return home to start their lives as normal civilians. Almost all of them face various problems and one of the major problems experienced by these Vets is unemployment. The war returnees are experiencing difficulty in getting employment. According to a statistical data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the rate of unemployment amount those who have returned from Afghanistan and Iraq war is higher than the rate of unemployment faced by the civilians of America. Many military officials have complained that they have failed to find a job that pays well and has good benefits. Th e data produced by the Bureau even states that the younger veterans or returnees of war face a higher rate of unemployment. This includes individuals aging between eighteen and twenty four (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2011). The question asked by most is the main reason for the unemployment rate of veteran soldiers. These soldiers develop various important skills during war

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Geology of Qatar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Geology of Qatar - Essay Example These natural resources contribute actively towards the realization of the skyrocketing economies experienced in the nation. For instance, there are several places in the country of Qatar supplied with natural gas and oil deposits2. These are some of the powerful natural resources that make the country gain international recognition, respect as well as realize robust economies. In addition to natural gas, Qatar also has several deposits of oil fields. This makes the nation on e of the largest oil producers in the world. This works well with boosting as well as expanding the economies of the state of Qatar. Other than the natural reserves, it is of crucial significance to note that the country of Qatar also boasts of a collection of beautiful sceneries, geological features as well as landscapes. Some of these geological features as well as scenic beauties have contributed massively towards strengthening the economy of Qatar in several diverse ways. For instance, the myriad of features have ensured heavy flow of tourists into the nation of Qatar to have an experience as well as identify with some of the natural features. This has ensured generation as well as creation of foreign exchange, improved employment conditions as well as upholding nation’s pride. The foreign exchange as well as income earned from such tourism activities has led to massive eco nomic growth in the region. This paper is going to explore some of the geologic features found in the sovereign state of Qatar. In addition, the paper is going to focus on some of the surface features, the terrain as well as landscape of the nation of Qatar. It is of critical significance to note that Qatar is one of the states with sabkhas forming some of the geologic landform features. The sabkhas are always characterized with dry burrows. This presents greater risks to geologists due to the fact that such dry burrows may always host deadly animals like snakes that can bite geologists. This presents one

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Outbound Tourism from China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Outbound Tourism from China - Essay Example Furthermore, the number of Chinese traveling to other abroad grew by over 25 per cent between 2000 and 2006 "BNET". For instance, in the year 2005 the Chinese made 31 million overseas trips (Cochrane 2008). The current high figures of outbound tourism from China did not grow overnight. China's policies in the past were restrictive and this minimized the number of travels by the Chinese in years before 1990 (Wen & Tisdel, 2001). For example, before 1990, the Chinese's travel abroad was mainly restricted to official visits or commercials functions rather than for holiday or leisure (Wen & Tisdel, 2001). Good tidings came in 1990 when China began relaxing its policies on outbound travel, first allowing visits to Southeast Asian counties for tourism purposes (Gu & Ratliff 2006). Perhaps this is the reason why outbound travel by the Chinese to the countries in this region is high. Along this line, "BNET" noted that the vast majority of overseas trips made by Chinese in 2005 were targeted for Hong Kong and Macau. In the 1998, the total number of Chinese who made overseas trips was 8.4 million, of which 5.2 travellers were doing business while the rest were on private functions (Wen & Tisdel, 2001). China's rising middle class income and an increasing crave to see the rest of the world make the country a significant outbound tourism market (Wen & Tisdel, 2001).. As cited above, China is progressively easing foreign travel policies and this adds impetus on the need to travel abroad. The rising levels of disposable income among the Chinese and constant exposure to foreign countries through television and the Internet have greatly contributed to the increase in outbound tourism from China (Prasad & Barnett 2004). The increase in number of travel agencies is indicative of the increase in number of outbound tourists. As an illustration, the number of travel agencies rose from 6,222 in 1998 to 11,552 in 2002 (Prasad & Barnett 2004). That a rise incomes among the Chinese and outbound travel policies have been phenomenal in promoting China's outbound tourism cannot be gainsaid. However, the two factors per se cannot be acclaimed to be determinants of outbound tourism. Other factors such as government limitations on the countries to which to travel come into play. For example, there is a list of countries that have an "Approved Destination Status" to which Chinese can freely travel (Lew et al 2002). Outside these countries, Chinese towards are perceived to be risking their lives (Lew et al 2002). The above factors and many others such as personal preferences and choices affect China's outbound travel. A discussion of the same and appraisal of relevant statistics forms the basis of discussion of this paper. Factors that have promoted China's outbound travel and tourism Changes in outbound travel policy China had a strict outbound travel policy that barred the Chinese from traveling overseas until 1983 (Zhang, Pine & Lam 2005). The Chinese government