Thursday, October 31, 2019

Student Achievements - Global Revisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Student Achievements - Global Revisions - Essay Example The research concludes that all these factors play a major role in determining a student’s achievement in school. All educational institutions have the aim of promoting student achievement. There are different factors that positively or negatively affect the achievement of students. These include social, economic, environmental and political factors. In students’ achievement, different individuals have to pull forces to ensure that the process is successful. These individuals include teachers, parents and students. This paper analyses the positive effects of different factors that affect students’ achievement. A student’s achievement is influenced by several factors such as class size, family, motivation, teacher’s attitudes, a school’s culture and gender and therefore teachers should put these factors into perspective when teaching. Gross (2009) argues that student engagement in learning is an important factor in their success (Gross, 2009). Students can engage in the learning process through submission of assignments and agreeing to teachers instructions. Another form of students’ engagement in the learning process is class attendance. A teacher acts as a guide towards students’ engagement in class. The teacher should, therefore, design a strategy through which students can continuously participate in the learning process. One way through which a teacher can ensure student’s participation is by identifying individual differences among his learners. Use of questions and answers has been identified as one of the best method of engaging students in the process of learning (Capel & Whitehead, 2010). This method targets improving the learning capability of students and, teachers are encouraged to focus more on open ended questions. Such questions encourage thinking and hence enable students to achieve better results even if the students do not answer the questions (Kim, 2010). Teachers who ensure effective

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Teachnology and Business Management Research Paper

Teachnology and Business Management - Research Paper Example In the first part is presented the definition of BPM and its road-map. After is presented the definition of information technology . By introducing the main characteristics of the IT is shown how IT can enable the BPM. Finally will be presented a real case-study of a BPM solution implementation. Technology and Business Management Today’s organizations are confronted with the need of improving the business management. Under these conditions, the traditional management approaches that focus on financial figures are being substituted for new and more developed practices. The performance is related to the efficiency of an organization to meet their goals. With the evolution it?s expected to develop practices that reduce the errors by improving standardization and automation of the activities. The Business Performance Management appears as a very developed approach. It’s important to understand how the technology can enable this practice. The choice of the proper tool and te chnology in a BPM solution is critical to the success of the operation. The improvements related to the information technologies seems to serve and meet the BPM goals. The main purpose of this article is to prove how IT enables the BPM. How the report will achieve the purpose? The report will provide a summary of BPM definition and goals; After will be presented the BPM road-map in order to prove how closely the BPM process is within the automation process; After proving this, is presented the IT definition; After is shown how the IT and BPM converges into similar lines; Finally is presented a case-study. Business Performance Management ( BPM) A business process is a set of activities which are defined in order to reach a specific organizational goal. The Business performance management (BPM) is a systematic approach of the Business management. The main goals of BPM are: reduce human error and miscommunication, focus stakeholders on the requirements of their roles and on making an o rganization's workflow more effective, more efficient and more capable of adapting to an ever-changing environment. In general BPM is developed within three types of frameworks: Vertical, Horizontal and Full-service BPM. Horizontal BPM is related to the the development of business process and the technology application. On the other hand the Vertical BPM is focused on coordinating of a specific set of activities. The Full-service BPM deals with five basic tasks: process discovering, process modeling, business procedures, workflow and finally testing. BPM is several times linked within the information technology(IT) and it has increased the demand for IT services. The concern with the business process optimization is not recent. It has been developed since the industrial revolution. In the last decade the notion of business process optimization is intrinsically related to the BPM. The BPM provides flexible business process therefore the business process became dynamic and adaptable w hen confronted with changes. The BPM is a powerful tool for an organization. It promotes the continuous operational improvement and the cost reduction cost through continued process improvement and automation. The main difference between BPM and traditional process management approaches is the focus on customer value. The main goals of a BPM solution are related to the optimization and automation of the process outcomes, the rapid response to a business event, delivery ( in real-time) new

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Pendahuluan Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang

Pendahuluan Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang 1.0 Pendahuluan *Pendahuluan {Englsh Translation Preliminary} similar to Pengenalan {Englsh Translation: Introduction} Read this essay in English here > Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang terdiri daripada lebih 200 kumpulan etnik. Antaranya ialah Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan-Dusun, Iban dan lain-lain. Dengan penduduk yang pelbagai budaya ini, perpaduan etnik atau sebaliknya sentiasa menjadi agenda dalam pengurusan masyarakat dan pemerintahan negara ini. Oleh kerana wujudnya kepelbagaian budaya, agama dan bahasa dalam kalangan rakyat di negara ini, maka timbulah pelbagai masalah yang melibatkan hubungan etnik. Boleh dikatakan bahawa perkauman akan sentiasa menjadi batas pemisah antara rakyat pelbagai kaum. Keadaan ini seterusnya boleh melahirkan ketegangan dan konflik antara kaum dan seterusnya boleh menyebabkan berlakunya pertumpahan darah. Berdasarkan kepada peristiwa 13 Mei, beberapa perkara penting yang perlu dipandang serius dalam membina nagara bangsa yang bersatu padu. Dalam hal ini, ternyata faktor hubungan etnik yang harmonis menjadi anak kunci bagi keseimbangan antara kekukuhan ekonomi dan kestabilan politik. Hubungan etnik yang mantap sangat perlu dalam kalangan rakyat sesebuah negara yg mempunyai kepelbagaian dari segi agama, bahasa, budaya dan etnik. Rakyat Malaysiayang terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum dan agama perlu menganggap diri mereka sebagai bangsa Malaysia yang berfikir dan bertindak ke arah mencapai satu matlamat. Sejajar dengan ini, perpaduan yang sedia terjalin antara kaum di negara ini perlu diperkukuhkan lagi bagi mewujudkan suasana negara yang lebih aman, maju, selamat dan makmur. 2.0 Cabaran hubungan etnik 2.1 Cabaran hubungan etnik dari aspek ekonomi Salah satu cabaran hubungan etnik dalam aspek ekonomi ialah pemisahan fizikal. Pemisahan fizikal ini wujud kesan daripada dasar ‘pecah dan perintah yang diamalkan oleh penjajah British pada masa dahulu. Pemisahan fizikal ini menyebabkan menyebabkan sesuatu golongan etnik itu tidak mengenal atau berpeluang untuk berinteraksi dengan lebih kerap kerana tinggal di wilayah yang berbeza. Hal ini merenggangkan perhubungan perhubungan dan interaksi serta memperkuatkan lagi perasaan kekitaan dan etnosentrisme dalam kalangan anggota setiap etnik. Keadaan ini seterusnya akan menimbulkan prasangka, stereotaip dan mengekalkan kejahilan dalam kalangan ahli sesuatu golongan etnik terhadap golongan etnik yang lain. Setiap golongan etnik mempunyai sistem pendidikan yang tersendiri dan masih menggunakan sukatan pelajaran yang diamalkan di negara asal mereka. Pelajar Melayu belajar di sekolah Melayudan menggunakan bahasa Melayu. Orang India pula bersekolah di sekolah Tamil dan menggunakan bahasa Tamil. Manakala bagi pelajar Cina, mereka bersekolah di sekolah Cina dan menggunakan bahasa Mandarin. Keadaan ini menyebabkan interaksi sesama mereka hanya berkisar dalam kalangan etnik yang sama. Selain itu, kontrak sosial juga juga kerap dibangkitkan oleh sesetengah pihak. Kontrak sosial merupakan persetujuan yang dicapai semasa kemerdekaan dalam merangka perlembagaan. Antara isu yang sering ditimbulkan ialah kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu, kedudukan agama Islam, bahasa Melayu, dan sebagainya. Sebarang isu atau kontrak sosial yang dibangkitkan boleh membawa kepada kerenggangan hubungn etnik di Malaysia. 2.2 Cabaran hubungan etnik dari aspek ekonomi Dalam sektor ekonomi, terdapat jurang yang luas dari segi penguasaan ekonomi. Kebanyakan orang Melayu menguasai sektor pertanian yang agak mundur. Orang Cina umumnya menguasai sektor yang lebih maju seperti perniagaan dan perdagangan. Manakala orang India pula menguasai sektor ekonomi yang berasaskan ladang. Kesannya, wujud jurang pendapatan yang berbeza antara etnik. Dasar British yang meletakan kaum berdasarkan kepada pekerjaan menyebabkan etnik tertentu mendominasi dalam satu-satu bidang pekerjaan. Orang Melayu kebanyakannya terlibat dalam sektor pertanian, nelayan dan berkhidmat sebagai penjawat awam. Kebanyakan orang Cina pula terlibat dalam sektor perniagaan dan perlombongan. Manakala sebahagian besar orang India pula merupakan buruh di estet. Perbezaan ini telah menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati dalam kalangan etnik tertentu. Secara tidak langsung, perkara ini memperkukuhkan lgi semangat perkauman. 2.3 Cabaran hubungan etnik dari aspek politik Di negara ini terdapat pelbagai parti politik yang berasaskan kumpulan etnik dan setiap parti politik akan memperjuangkan kepentingan kumpulan etnik yang diwakilinya. Politok perkauman ini boleh menimbulkan perasaan tidak senang hati dan mengukuhkan semangat perkauman jika penyuaraan kepentingan etnik tertentu dibuat tanpa mengambil kira kepentingan semua pihak. Jika isu perkauman seperti bahasa, kebudayaan, pendidikan, agama, kerakyatan dan ekonomi dibangkitkan, maka tindakan ini tidak akan menyumbang kea rah masyarakat yang bersatu padu. 2.4 Cabaran nilai antara etnik Malaysia merupakan negara yang terdiri daripada masyarakat majmuk. Oleh itu, terdapat pelbagai perbezaan dari segi agama, bahasa dan kebudayaan dalam masyarakat di Malaysia. Setiap kumpulan etnik mempertahankan kebudayaan dan adat resam mereka, mengutamakan etnik mereka dan mungkin juga menganggap kebudayaan mereka sahaja yang terbaik. Hal ini menyebabkan anggota etnik lebih mengutamakan anggota daripada etnik yang sama dalam memilih sahabat, mendapatkan pekerjaan dan natijah akhirnya akan mewujudkan polarisasi antara etnik. Selain daripada itu kewujudan akhbar yang pelbagai bahasa dengan mengutamakan kelompok etnik mereka akan memperkukuhkan lagi perasaan kumpulan etnik masing-masing. Cabaran dari segi kepentingan nilai ini akan mewujudkan masalah yang lebih besar jika fahaman etnosentrisme itu dijadikan pegangan dalam masyarakat. 2.5 Cabaran globalisasi Globalisasi merujuk kepada dunia tanpa sempadan dimana perhubungan menjadi semakin pintas dan cepat. Kita boleh mengetahui keadaan dunia luar dengan pantas dan cepat dan segala maklumat boleh disalurkan tanpa ada sekatan. Globalisasi membawa masuk pengaruh dari Barat dari segi ideology, budaya hedonism dan nilai negatif, ekonomi bebas, sains dan teknologi yang memusnahkan dan system politik yang dianggap terbaik bagi semua manusia. Melalui globalisasi, kuasa Barat mengeksport segala macam keburukan yang merosakkan negara dan alam sekitar, budaya hiburan dan pengeksplotasian sumber manusia dan bahan mentah. Gejala ini mengakibatkan lenyapnya nilai luhar dan pemikiran Barat diterima secara ke dalam masyarakat. Kejayaan mereka ini dibantu oleh masyarakat tempatan yang menganggap segala yang datang dari barat adalah baik dan moden. Keadaan ini akan memberi kesan kepada hubungan etnik, intergrasi, perpaduan, mudah terjadinya konflik dan lebih parah lagi mengundang rusuhan kaum. Secara tidak langsung, keadaan ini akan memburukan lagi hubungan etnik di Malaysia. 3.0 Peranan kerajaan dalam meningkatkan hubungan etnik 3.1 Penubuhan Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional Peristiwa rusuhan kaum pada 13 Mei 1969 telah membuka mata pelbagai pihak tentang pentingnya usaha-usaha yang lebih serius diberikan tumpuan dalam mengurus perbezaan serta sensitiviti yang terdapat dalam sesebuah masyarakat majmuk seperti Malaysia. Berikutan peristiwa tersebut, Majlis Gerakan Negara (MAGERAN) telah ditubuhkan. Pada 1 Julai 1969, Jabatan Perpaduan Negara di bawah perintah MAGERAN telah diwujudkan bagi menanggani isu-isu berhubung pembinaan semula perpaduan masyarakat di negara kita pada waktu itu (Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional,2006). Selepas pembubaran MAGERAN, Majlis Penasihat Perpaduan Negara telah ditubuhkan iaitu pada 23 Februari 1971. tanggungjawab bagi memupuk dan memelihara perpaduan antara kaum di negara ini terus diletakkan di bawah tanggungjawab Jabatan Perpaduan Negara. Antara 1990-2004, Jabatan Perpaduan Negara telah diletakkan semula di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri dengan nama Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional (JPNIN). Bermula daripada kemerdekaan sehingga kini, kerajaan telah merangka dan memberi penekanan kepada beberapa dasar dalam bidang sosioekonomi yang menjurus kepada perpaduan dan keharmonian masyarakat pelbagai kaum serta integrasi nasional. Dasar-dasar yang dimaksudkan termasuklah Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan, Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan dan Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Dasar-dasar tersebut telah diperkukuh lagi dengan memperkenal Rukun Negara sebagai ideologi kebangsaan. Bagi mengurangkan tindak tanduk politik yang boleh memecahbelahkan rakyat, usaha telah diambil untuk membentuk Barisan Nasional. Sebagai tindakan susulan dalam memperlengkap dan memperkukuh usaha pembentukan bangsa Malaysia., beberapa dasar lain telah dibentuk. Antaranya ialah Dasar Pembangunan Negara, Dasar Wawasan Negara dan Dasar sosial Negara. Pendirian kerajaan telah menegaskan lagi dalam pernyataan Wawasan 2020. JPNIN melalui Pelan Tindakan Perpaduan dan Integrasi Nasional 2005-2010, telah merancang pelbagai usaha untuk memupuk dan mempertingkatkan perpaduan dan integrasi nasional iaitu: 1. Strategi Politik: Persefahaman 2. Strategi Ekonomi 3. Strategi Pendidikan 4. Strategi Penggunaan Bahasa Kebangsaan 5. Strategi Agama 6. Strategi Kebudayaan 7. Strategi Integrasi Wilayah 8. Stategi Keselamatan 9. Strategi Pembangunan Kawasan 10. Strategi Penggunaan Tenaga Manusia 11. Strategi Media Massa 12. Strategi Kesukanan 13. Strategi Pemasyarakatan Perpaduan 14. Strategi Pertubuhan Sukarela 15. Strategi Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan Bahan Bacaan 16. Strategi Pemantauan Isu-isu Semasa dan Konflik 17. Strategi Penubuhan Panel Penasihat Perpaduan Negara (PANEL) dan Jawatankuasa Penasihat Perpaduan Peringkat Negeri (JKPPN) 18. Strategi Program dan Aktiviti Perpaduan 19. Strategi-strategi lain: -Mewujudkan latihan dalam bidang komunikasi antara budaya -Mewujudkan pengauditan dasar-dasar kerajaan -Menghasilkan satu etika mengenai hak dan tanggungjawab kemanusiaan untuk rakyat Malaysia -Penerbitan bahan bacaan secara meluas mengenai kaum-kaum di Malaysia. 3.2 Memperkasakan sekolah wawasan Sistem pendidikan pebagai aliran menyebabkan tidak ada acuan khusus yang boleh digunakan untuk membentuk masyarakat yang bersatu padu . sistem pendidikan pelbagai aliran yang wujud sekarang telah mengakibatkan ibu bapa pelajar memilih aliran mengikut kaum masing-masing. Usaha memupuk perpaduan haruslah dimulakan sejak awal lagi dengan mambabitkan murid sekolah rendah dalam acuan yang sama. Dengan itu, sekolah kebangsaan perlu diperkasakan bagi menerapkan semangat perpaduan dalam kalangan pelajar pelbagai etnik. Justeru, para pelajar dapat dilatih hidup saling bekerjasama dan mempunyai semangat patriotisme serta berakomodatif yang tinggi. Maka, usaha-usaha perlu diambil untuk memperkasakan sekolah kebangsaan dalam sistem pendidikan negara bagi meletakkan landasan yang lebih kukuh ke arah menyatupadukan rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini tanpa mengetepikan sekolah rendah jenis kebangsaan yang telah dipersetujui oleh semua golongan etnik di bawah kontrak sosial. Setiap ibu bapa diberi kebebasan menghantar anak mereka ke sekolah kebangsaan. Jika mereka memilih sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina atau Tamil, maka tidak ada sesiapa yang boleh menghalang mereka. Namun begitu, sekolah kebangsaan merupakan institusi pendidikan utama bagi anak-anak Malaysia untuk memenuhi aspirasi dan memiliki jati diri nasional. Sekolah Kebangsaan bukan sahaja berkemampuan untuk mendidik pelajar tetapi membantu menanam nilai-nilai perpaduan dalam kalangan pelajar yang terdiri daripada palbagai kaum. Sekolah kebangsaan merupakan aliran utama pendidikan untuk semua warganegara Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum. Bagi memupuk semangat perpaduan dan keyakinan terhadap sistem sekolah satu aliran, sekolah kebangsaan perlu dijadikan lebih menarik untuk menarik minat orang bukan Melayu. Dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan, bagi menjadikan sekolah kebangsaan sebagai sekolah pilihan, kualiti pengajaran di sekolah kebangsaan akan diperingkatkan dengan 100 peratus guru di sekolah menengah dan 25 peratus guru di sekolah rendah akan mempunyai kelayakan ijazah pertama menjelang tahun 2010. Semangat perpaduan dalam kalangan pelajar bukan sahaja perlu dipupuk oleh pihak sekolah tetapi juga institusi pendidikan tinggi. Antara langkah yang boleh dijalankan adalah seperti berikut, iaitu: 1. Tidak mengetepikan proses penguasaan bahasa ibunda masing-masing dengan memperkenalkan pengajaran bahasa Mandarin dan Tamil. 2. Memberi kesedaran kepada pelajar tentang kepentingan interaksi antara golongan etnik. 3. Mengadakan lebih banyak aktiviti antara golongan etnik 4. Mengadakan program interaksi antara sekolah dan memasukkan unsur-unsur interaksi etnik dalam kurikulum serta meningkatkan kemahiran berinteraksi dengan golongan etnik lain. 3.3 Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) yang mula dilaksanakan pada tahun 2004 merupakan khusus latihan wajib selama tiga bulan secara berkhemah dan berasrama bagi remaja lepasan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. PLKN dilaksanakan berteraskan Rukun Negara dan mempunyai kurikulum multidisiplin yang merangkumi empat modul iaitu modul fizikal (merangkumi antara lain aktiviti kawad, merempuh halangan, merentas desa dan kembara hutan); modul kenegaraan (pengetahuan tentang pembinaan Negara atau nation-building); Modul Pembinaan Karakter (penerokaan diri sendiri dan hubungan interpersonal) dan Modul Khidmat Komuniti (merangkumi antara lain aktiviti gotong- royong seperti membersihkan, mengindahkan dan menceriakan kawasan sekitar). PLKN tidak bersifat kerahan tenaga atau mengikut trend yang diamalkan oleh negara lain. Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Jabatan Latihan Khidmat Negara, PLKN bertujuan untuk meningkatkan semangat patriotisme dalam kalangan generasi muda , memupuk perpaduan kaum serta integrasi nasional, membentuk perwatakan positif menerusi nilai-nilai murni, menyemarakkan semangat kesukarelaan, dan melahirkan generasi muda yang lebih cergas, cerdas dan penuh keyakinan. PLKN sememangnya menyumbang terhadap usaha memupuk perpaduan kaum, terutamanya dalam kalangan golongan remaja kerana semua aktiviti yang dijalankan menekankan semangat muhibah dan saling bertolak ansur antara peserta tidak mengira kaum atau agama. Modul kenegaraan dapat menyemai semangat cinta akan tanah air di samping membolehkan para peserta mempelajari adat dan budaya pelbagai kaum. Apabila wujudnya rasa cintakan negara dalam diri peserta, perpaduan kaum dan integrasi nasional serta saling kerjasama antara kaum di Malaysia dapat diwujudkan kerana masing-masing mempunyai satu matlamat, iaitu untuk melihat Malaysia sebagai negara yang aman dan harmonis. Hal ini akhirnya dapat melahirkan remaja yang sanggup berkorban demi perpaduan bangsa. 4.0 Peranan masyarakat dalam konteks hubungan etnik 4.1 Rukun Tetangga Skim Rukun Tetangga telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 1975 berikutan dengan kuat kuasanya Peraturan-Peraturan Perlu (Rukun Tetangga 1975). Pada peringkat awal, Rukun Tetanggga membolehkan rakyat mengawal keselamatan di kawasan kediaman masing-masing. Dengan tumpuan diberi kepada tugas rondaan yang diwajibkan kepada masyarakat setempat yang berumur antara 18 hingga 55 tahun. Mulai 1 Januari 1983 kerajaan telah memperkenalkan satu pembaharuan dengan memberi penekanan pada konsep kejiranan yang bertujuan untuk memupuk serta mengukuhkan lagi semangat kejiranan dalam kalangan masyarakat setempat. Berikutan dengan ini, Peraturan Perlu (Rukun Tetangga) 1975 telah dipinda bagi tujuan tersebut. Dalam tahun 2000, pendekatan Rukun Tetangga telah dipinda sekali lagi dengan memberi mandat yang lebih luas iaitu pembangunan masyarakat secara menyeluruh ke arah mewujudkan perpaduan nasional. Visi Rukun Tetangga ialah membantu dalam pembentukan satu bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu padu dalam konteks pencapaian Wawasan 2020. Manakala misinya ialah memupuk kesefahaman dan bertolak ansur ke arah pembangunan bangsa Malaysia yang bersatu padu serta beridentiti sendiri dan motonya pula ialah Bersatu Terus Maju. Objektif Rukun Tetangga, iaitu memelihara, meningkat dan mengukuhkan perpaduan rakyat dan integrasi nasional selaras dengan dasar-dasar pembangunan negara berlandaskan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Rukun Negara. Bagi memastikan matlamat Rukun Tetangga tercapai, beberapa aktiviti dilakukan oleh komuniti Rukun Tetangga yang boleh dikategorikan kepada beberapa bentuk aktiviti seperti berikut: sosial: amalan kunjung-mengunjung semasa musim perayaan seperti Hari Raya, Tahun Baru Cina, Deepavali, Krismas, Hari Gawai, Pesta Keamatan, dan Hari Keluarga. Pendidikan- pendidikan tidak formal, kolokium jiran wanita, kursus motivasi, kursus kepimpinan, tuisyen, ceramah-ceramah dalam pelbagai bidang. Sukan- sukan neka, larian, permainan bola sepak, bola baling, bola jaring, sukan air, sukan tradisional, sukan rakyat dan lain-lain. Rekreasi- tai chi, ekspedisi mendaki bukit, kembara dan mountaineering, khemah kerja dan lain-lain. Kesihatan dan alam sekitar-ceramah kesihatan berkaitan antidadah, AIDS, kanser, kempen kebersihan, anti nyamuk dan menjaga harta awam. Kesenian dan kebudayaan- kelas-kelas seni tari, kraf tangan, permainan tradisional, kelas gamelan, kompang, tarian tradisional, tarian singa, pertunjukan pentas dan lain-lain. Ekonomi- aktiviti tanaman secara hidroponik, ternak ikan air tawar dan membuat air lada Skim Rukun Tetangga diperkenalkan pada tahun 1975 sebagai satu langkah membolehkan rakyat sendiri mengawal dan menjaga keselamatan kawasan kediaman mereka. Skim ini kemudiannya diperbaharui dengan menekankan konsep kejiranan dengan falsafah bahawa kesejahteraan kawasan sejiran akan menjamin kesejahteraan negara. Pada masa kini peranan Skim Rukun Tetangga diperluas lagi dengan pendekatan pembangunan komuniti bagi memastikan perpaduan dan keharmonian hubungan dalam masyarakat akan terus berkekalan dan berterusan. Sehingga Mei 2006 sebanyak 3228 kawasan Rukun Tetangga telah ditubuhkan di seluruh negara. Jawatankuasa Rukun Tetangga ini telah menganjurkan pelbagai aktiviti dalam komuniti mereka. Dari bulan Januari hingga Mei 2006, Jawatankuasa Rukun Tetangga di seluruh negara telah melaksanakan sebanyak 36029 aktiviti. Aktiviti ini bertujuan untuk membolehkan penduduk setempat berkenalan, bantu-membantu dalam menghadapi masalah bersama, berinteraksi dan merapatkan hubungan pada peringkat akar umbi antara pemimpin dengan rakyat dan antara rakyat pelbagai keturunan, adat dan budaya (Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional). 4.2 Rumah Terbuka Rumah terbuka akan diadakan oleh setiap rakyat Malaysia apabila tiba musim perayaan. Setiap golongan etnik di Malaysia akan sering kunjung-mengunjungi ke rumah jiran tetangga walaupun berlainan etnik. Sebagai contoh, semasa perayaan Hari Raya Aidilfitri, etnik Cina, India, Kadazan, Iban dan pelbagai lagi akan mengunjungi ke rumah orang Melayu dan begitulah sebaliknya bagi etnik lain. Etnik Cina misalnya akan berusaha menyediakan makanan yang halal kepada etnik Melayu apabila menjemput etnik Melayu datang ke rumah sewaktu Tahun Baru Cina. Hal ini menunjukan etnik Cina begitu mengambil berat dan memahami budaya etnik Melayu. Begitu juga dengan etnik Melayu tidak akan menyajikan daging lembu kepada etnik India apabila mereka datang ke rumah semasa Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Pertimbangan ini memperlihatkan keharmonian hubungan etnik sentiasa terjalin kukuh dalam kalangan rakyat dan memahami dan menghormati budaya masing-masing. Amalan ini membuktikan integrasi sosial dalam kalangan masyarakat begitu tinggi walaupun berlainan agama, bangsa dan kebudayaan. 4.3 Penerimaan Budaya Dewasa ini, masyarakat bukan Melayu di Malaysia mula menerima budaya orang Melayu dari segi pakaian dan makanan. Misalnya, orang bukan Melayu segak menggayakan baju kurung dan baju Melayu terutamanya pada hari Jumaat dan fenomena ini sesuatu yang biasa bagi pelajar bukan Melayu. Bagi orang Melayu pula, mereka mula menerima masakan orang Cina dan India serta pemberian duit raya telah menggunakan sampul atau angpau yang terkenal dalam kalangan orang Cina. Dewasa ini juga telah kelihatan di taman-taman perumahan, terdapatnya penempatan yang sama untuk semua etnik yang pastinya keadaan ini akan menggalakkan lagi hubungan etnik dalam kalangan rakyat melalui aktiviti setempat. 4.4 Program di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) Bahagian hal ehwal pelajar melalui persatuan-persatuan dan kelab-kelab hendaklah sentiasa menggalakkan aktiviti dan program yang menjurus kepada perpaduan kaum dalam kalangan mahasiswa. Sebagai contoh, melalui aktiviti Pesta Tanglung, yang bukan sahaja melibatkan mahasiswa Cina dan India, tetapi turut juga disertai oleh mahasiswa Melayu. Menyentuh kepimpinan pelajar, ternyata tidak didominasikan oleh sesuatu kaum sahaja, tetapi turut sama dianggotai oleh pelbagai kaum seperti dalam Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP). Kandungan kursus di semua institusi pendidikan harus menitikberatkan aspek-aspek pendidikan yang harmonis dalam sesebuah masyarakat pelbagai kaum. Nilai-nilai rohani dan budaya bersama perlu diberikan keutamaan dalam subjek Kenegaraan, Tamadun Islam dan Asia serta Hubungan Etnik. Maka, adalah penting kurikulum yang ada menguatkan peribadi moral dan sahsiah para pelajar. Hal ini kerana keperibadian yang tinggi menjadi asas kepada segala nilai rohani dan budaya yang akan menyatupadukan generasi muda. Saranan diwujudkan kelab perpaduan atau Kelab Rukun Negara di setiap IPT merupakan satu langkah yang amat baik kerana saranan ini merupakan usaha bagi menyemai kesedaran terhadap kepentingan perpaduan kaum. Justeru, bahagian hal ehwal pelajar sewajarnya menggalakkan para mahasiswa menganggotai kelab perpaduan atau Kelab Rukun Negara dengan memberi beberapa keistimewaan seperti pengecualian kredit dan sebagainya. Pihak university juga perlulah memberi sokongan terhadap aktiviti yang dijalankan baik dari segi material mahupun khidmat nasihat. Aktiviti kokurikulum merupakan bidang pembelajaran yang menekankan pemupukan dan perkembangan diri individu melalui psikomotor, kognitif dan efektif. Justeru, aktiviti kokurikulum yang dilaksanakan seperti program sukan, kelab, persatuan, pameran, ceramah dan pelbagai lagi haruslah dipergiat dan dipertingkat lagi dalam kalangan mahasiswa pelbagai kaum. Di luar sistem akademik, para pelajar harus dilibatkan dalam aktiviti pelbagai kaum seperti keluarga angkat, persatuan dan badan beruniform. Hal ini akan memberi pengalaman yang sangat berharga dalam memahami bagaimana kehidupan rakyat Malaysia. Manakala aktiviti perpaduan dan khidmat masyarakat mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam menggalakan penyertaan dan pengalaman bersama antara kaum. Oleh itu, galakan kepada aktiviti seperti ini perlu diberikan dengan kerjasama rapat pihak kerajaan dan sektor swasta. Para pelajar juga perlu ditugaskan dalam projek-projek perkhidmatan masyarakat seperti operasi khidmat masyarakat, mahasiswa balik kampung dan sebagainya. Para pensyarah juga perlu diterap dan didedahkan dengan sikap perpaduan antara kaum yang positif. Para pensyarah mestilah diberi pendedahan kepada kursus seperti sosiologi perhubungan kaum atau hubungan etnik untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai yang penting dalam kalangan pelajar bagi memupuk keharmonian kaum. Sesungguhnya para pensyarah mempunyai peranan yang besar sebagai agen penyebar perpaduan dan keharmonian dalam negara pelbagai kaum ini. Mereka merupakan agen integrasi dan perpaduan yang memainkan peranan penting dalam menggalakkan lebih banyak interaksi melalui tugasan dan projek akademik. 5.0 Peranan NGO dalam Konteks Hubungan Etnik Walaupun terdapat pertubuhan yang berasaskan golongan etnik, namun terdapat pertubuhan induk pada peringkat kebangsaan yang menaungi pertubuhan berasaskan etnik seperti Pertubuhan Belia Malaysia, Dewan Perniagaan dan Perusahaan Malaysia dan pelbagai lagi. Hal ini sudah tentulah dapat mempercepat lagi proses hubungan etnik melalui peranan yang dimainkan oleh NGO. Menyentuh aspek kepimpinan pula sama ada pada peringkat negara atau persatuan, barisan kepimpinan disertai oleh pemimpin pelbagai kaum. Sebagai contoh, kepimpinan Majlis Belia Malaysia disertai oleh semua golongan etnik yang ada di Malaysia. Walaupun terdapat pembahagian pertubuhan mengikut kaum seperti Pergerakan Belia 4B, Persatuan Belia Tamil, Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia, Dewan Perniagaan Cina Malaysia dan Dewan Perniagaan India Malaysia, namun ini sewajarnya digunakan oleh NGO ini untuk mewujudkan pelbagai dialog dan seminar dalam usaha memahami permasalahan yang wujud dan dicari jalan penyelesaiannya. Contohnya, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) sentiasa mengadakan seminar bagi menjelaskan kepentingan hubungan etnik dalam konteks Malaysia. Untuk itu, peranan pihak swasta dan kerajaan amat diperlukan dalam menyumbangkan dana bagi meningkatkan penyelidikan dan pembangunan bagi menghasilkan inovasi dan seterusnya memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Dana-dana sedia ada seperti Intensive Research Priority Areas (IRPA) dan geran daripada pihak swasta dan pertubuhan institusi tertentu seperti Koridor Raya Multimedia (MSC), Akademi Sains Negara dan pelbagai lagi merupakan penjana kepada pembangunan ekonomi negara. Disebabkan sains dan teknologi ini begitu memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara, maka aspek ini amat penting dalam meningkat hubungan etnik rakyat Malaysia. Hal ini kerana apabila pembangunan ekonomi negara itu berkembang pesat di samping kestabilan politik, akan mampu menarik lebih ramai pelabur sama ada dari dalam atau luar negara untuk memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Hal ini seterusnya memberi peluang pekerjaan kepada segenap lapisan masyarakat tanpa mengira golongan etnik. Kesannya, taraf hidup rakyat akan meningkat, jurang ekonomi negara dapat diseimbangkan dan ini mampu mewujudkan keharmonian dalam masyarakat Malaysia. 6.0 Kesimpulan Hubungan etnik merupakan perkara yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat Malaysia yang bersifat majmuk. Hubungan etnik ini akan melahirkan masyarakat Malaysia yang harmonis, saling bekerjasama dan bersefahaman dan sentiasa menghayati perjanjian sosial yang telah dipersetujui sejak awal kemerdekaan lagi. Usaha-usaha perlu diambil secara berterusan bagi memastikan hubungn etnik di Malaysia sentiasa berada dalam keadaan yang baik. Usaha-usaha ini adalah melibatkan peranan kerajaan, masyarakat dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan. Apa yang penting dalam memastikan hubungan etnik sentiasa dalam keadaan baik, segala usaha ini perlu disahut oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat. Kepelbagaian budaya dalam negara Malaysia seharusnya tidak menimbulkan masalah perkauman. Setiap kaum ataupun etnik perlu tahu dan memainkn peranan mereka dalam memastikan konflik perkauman seperti peristiwa 13 Mei berulang semula. Perpaduan kaum ini amatlah penting bagi menyumbang ke arah menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara maju menjelang 2020. Sehubungan dengan ini, perpaduan yang sedia terjalin antara kaum di negara ini perlu diperkukuhkan lagi bagi mewujudkan suasana negara yang lebih aman, maju, selamat dan makmur. Oleh itu, segala kerjasama semua pihak seperti kerajaan, masyarakat dan pertubuhan badan bukan kerajaan amatlah diperlukan untuk meningkatkan hubungan etnik di nagara Malaysia. Bibliografi Ishak Saat (2001). Malaysia 1945-2000. Utusan Publication Distributors Sdn. Bhd: Kuala Lumpur Shamsul Amri Baharuddin (2007). Modul Hubungan Etnik. Shah Alam: Universiti Teknologi Mara. (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })()

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Philosophies of John Stuart Mill as a Guide for the World Essay

The Philosophies of John Stuart Mill as a Guide for the World Dr. Pest's comments: This student's term paper is a model of how to apply the philosophical concepts of a previous century to our present society. She showed how the ideas of John Stuart Mill can be used by intelligent people to construct a society with more opportunities for women and to insure respect for intellectual freedom. As the world moves into the twenty-first century, it faces many problems. War, disease, over-population, and starvation are examples of problems that have yet to be solved. However, progress has been made in many areas that aid in the reduction of human misery. Diseases, through research and scientific study, are better understood—many that formerly were considered deadly are now treatable. Advances in agricultural technology have enabled crops to be grown in great abundance, and thus feed many more people than was possible previously. Unfortunately, there are several problems that seem to defy any of the world's best efforts to remedy them. The subjection of women in much of the world leads to much human misery, as well as being a waste of half of the population where it takes place. The attitude that a woman should be under the rule of a man is one that has only recently changed in the West (and not universally there); in many parts of the world women are no better off than they were hundreds of years ago in this respect. Even in the United States there are many who advocate women's restriction to a submissive role in the home; many of these people are part of the religious right, a politically vigorous group. It is difficult to hope that less advanced nations will take the initiative in freeing women from political and social rest... ... Unity (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998), 40. 11 Ibid., 41-42, 47-48. 12 Ibid., 42-47 13 Mi11 and Mill, Essays on Sex Equality, 190-191. 14 Ibid., 183. 15 Bodman and Tohidi, Women in Muslim Societies, 93. 16 Mi11 and Mill, Essays On Sex Equality, 77. 17 John Stuart Mill, Three Essays on Religion (Amherst: Prometheus Books, 1998), 242. 18 Mahnaz Afkhami,ed., Faith and Freedom: Women 's Human Rights in the Muslim World (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1995), 140. 19 Ibid, 177-179. 20 Ibid., 144. 21 New Era Encyclopedia, 1992 ed., s.v. "Sharia," by Larry B. Miller. 22 Ibid. 23 Mills, Three Essays on Religion, 139. 24 Delos B. McKown, The Mythmaker’s Magic: Behind the illusion of "Creation Science" (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1993), 29. 25 Mi11, Three Essays on Religion, 242-43. 26 McKown, The Mythmaker 's Magic, 55. 27 Ibid., 64.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sir Lancelot Analysis

Sir Lancelot is the greatest knight at the Round Table. Lancelot is Arthur’s best friend and yet is completely different in that he performs heroic acts by accident. Lancelot is too humble to allow all his heroic acts to improve his self-image. A hero is someone who engages in a heroic act risking or losing his or her life to save someone else’s. Sir Lancelot is a hero. Lancelot is brave. Lancelot could be called brave because he wasn’t afraid to kill people. If a situation needed immediate action Lancelot was there to battle another knight.Lancelot chose to go on adventures putting aside the dangers he might face. He fought willingly for people, and stood up for himself when he met the witches and battled other knights. Lancelot is loyal. Being loyal means showing support to someone. Lancelot stayed loyal to the one girl he loved even though she was already married. A girl asked Lancelot to fight for her dad and she would free him, and he courageously fought for her dad and didn’t try to get away.Lancelot was loyal to King Arthur by fighting along side him and joining him at the Round Table. Sir Lancelot is a hero. He is considered to be one of the greatest and most trusted of King Arthur’s knights and he played a huge part in King Arthur’s victories. Lancelot is a hero because he battles with honor and strategy, he understands how to win. Lancelot was heroic because he never failed in gentleness, courage, or courtesy. No matter who he was he still served others.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Philosophy Statement on Adult Education Essay

For human beings, learning appears to be unstoppable and insatiable. People are always craving, curious and willing to learn new things every time. New information or methodology never fails to excite the curiosity and interest of the people thus inspiring learning attitude and enthusiasm. Even though at adult age or middle age, the rate of learning enthusiasm of the people never declines and sometimes it even increases with every year that passed on someone’ life. This idea is attributed to many factors that includes the psychological and emotional maturity of the person’s perspective towards learning and education, which is characterized by an upsurge in the degree of seriousness and willingness. Some cases are attributed to factors such as financial capabilities or time availability but most of the cases are because of the personal reason within the individual. Thus, adult education is a conventional and constructive approach to the learning process because it based on the humanistic and progressive philosophies of the human being. Adult Education The Corley and Stedman define adult education as â€Å"all forms of schooling and learning programs in which adults participate. Unlike other types of education, adult education is defined by the student population rather than by the content or complexity of a learning program (2005). † Accordingly, it is the learning process and enthusiastic approach of adults to the world of knowledge and information through the use of the schooling methodologies whether formal or informal. There are actually many reasons why an adult wants to participate in the education process. Some adults reasoned out that they want to learn new things and information which are not yet available during their schooling periods thus they want to be updated. Others want to develop or enhance their skills by taking either a masteral or a doctorate degree on their field of career or acquire skills on a new career they wish to embrace. While other, commonly the people who have not yet experienced schooling process or became literate, wants to learn the basic skills which they have not yet learned. Because of different reasons, the adult education programs offered at the present caters to different motives or needs. These programs ranged from categories such as literacy training, community development, university credit programs, on-the-job training and continuing professional education (Corley & Stedman, 2005). In addition, due to the surging demand and popularity of the idea of adult education many institutions have already established facilities and programs to accommodate the interested students. Programs vary in organization from casual, incidental learning to formal college credit courses. Institutions offering education to adults include colleges, libraries, museums, social service and government agencies, businesses, and churches (Corley & Stedman, 2005). Conclusion Adult education is normal process and something that should not be subjected to discrimination and subjection because learning is a human impulse or need that can be satisfied or fulfilled regardless of age and social status. Age and time should not be a hindrance to the acquisition of skills, information and literacy. Humans regardless of age always have humanistic and progressive philosophical aspects that continuously crave for enhance and learning to aid the development of a person in all aspects. Education whether in form of literacy, practical knowledge or scientific information will help the person realized and fully understand himself or herself and his or her environment thus continuous attainment of knowledge is important and adult education is one means of attaining it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was a great English playwright, dramatist and poet who lived during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest playwright of all time. No other writer's plays have been produced so many times or read so widely in so many countries as his. Shakespeare was born to middle class parents. His father, John, was a Stratford businessman. He was a glove maker who owned a leather shop. John Shakespeare was a well-known and respected man in the town. He held several important local governmental positions. William Shakespeare's mother was Mary Arden. Though she was the daughter of a local farmer, she was related to a family of considerable wealth and social standing. Mary Arden and John Shakespeare were married in 1557. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford in 1564. He was one of eight children. The Shakespeare's were well-respected prominent people. When William Shakespeare was about seven years old, he probably began attending the Stratford Grammar School with other boys of his social class. Students went to school year round attending school for nine hours a day. The teachers were strict disciplinarians. Though Shakespeare spent long hours at school, his boyhood was probably fascinating. Stratford was a lively town and during holidays, it was known to put on pageants and many popular shows. It also held several large fairs during the year. Stratford was an exciting place to live. Stratford also had fields and woods surrounding it giving William the opportunity to hunt and trap small game. The River Avon, which ran through the town, allowed him to fish also. Shakespeare's' poems and plays show his love of nature and rural life which reflects his childhood. On November 28, 1582, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway of the neighboring village of Shottery. She was twenty-six, and he was only eighteen at the time. They had three children. Sus... Free Essays on William Shakespeare Free Essays on William Shakespeare The DL on William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was a great English playwright, dramatist and poet who lived during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest playwright of all time. No other writer's plays have been produced so many times or read so widely in so many countries as his. Shakespeare was born to middle class parents. His father, John, was a Stratford businessman. He was a glove maker who owned a leather shop. John Shakespeare was a well known and respected man in the town. He held several important local governmental positions. William Shakespeare's mother was Mary Arden. Though she was the daughter of a local farmer, she was related to a family of considerable wealth and social standing. Mary Arden and John Shakespeare were married in 1557 (Encarta). William Shakespeare was born in Stratford in 1564. He was one of eight children (World Book). The Shakespeare's were well respected prominent people. When William Shakespeare was about seven years old, he probably began attending the Stratford Grammar School with other boys of his social class. Students went to school year round attending school for nine hours a day. The teachers were strict disciplinarians ( Though Shakespeare spent long hours at school, his boyhood was probably fascinating. Stratford was a lively town and during holidays, it was known to put on pageants and many popular shows. It also held several large fairs during the year. ( Stratford was a exciting place to live. Stratford also had fields and woods surrounding it giving William the opportunity to hunt and trap small game. The River Avon which ran through the town allowed him to fish also. Shakespeare's' poems and plays show his love of nature and rural life which reflects his childhood ( On November 28, 1582, Shakespear... Free Essays on William Shakespeare William Shakespeare’s works being just that is a notion most accept; however, there has been a lot of evidence and arguments by historians, who opt to challenge this notion, arguing that Shakespeare was the pen name of Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford had to conceal his authorship for social and political reasons. After careful examination of historian’s evidence this theory doesn’t measure up and it was indeed Shakespeare, who was the genuine author. The world has come to accept that William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, during the year of 1564. The register of Holy trinity, the parish church in Stratford, records his baptism on April 26. According to the custom at the time, infants were baptized about three days after their birth. William’s father was a glover, trader, and landowner who married Mary Arden, the daughter of an affluent landowner of Wilmcote. Therefore, the generally accepted date for Shakespeare’s birth is April 23 (World Book 344). John Shakespeare, William’s father rose [by election] to the position of Alderman in 1565; and in 1568 he was elected Bailiff, the equivalent to mayor (Reedy however there is no evidence that William ever attended a university. The reason being is when William Shakespeare was thirteen his father suffered business losses. William was pulled from school and apprenticed to a trade, not an uncommon occurrence during the Elizabethan Ag e. William Shakespeare married Ann Hathaway in November 1582 at the age of eighteen. Anne was twenty-six. It would only be six months later that their daughter, Susanna was born. William ... Free Essays on William Shakespeare William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was a great English playwright, dramatist and poet who lived during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest playwright of all time. No other writer's plays have been produced so many times or read so widely in so many countries as his. Shakespeare was born to middle class parents. His father, John, was a Stratford businessman. He was a glove maker who owned a leather shop. John Shakespeare was a well-known and respected man in the town. He held several important local governmental positions. William Shakespeare's mother was Mary Arden. Though she was the daughter of a local farmer, she was related to a family of considerable wealth and social standing. Mary Arden and John Shakespeare were married in 1557. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford in 1564. He was one of eight children. The Shakespeare's were well-respected prominent people. When William Shakespeare was about seven years old, he probably began attending the Stratford Grammar School with other boys of his social class. Students went to school year round attending school for nine hours a day. The teachers were strict disciplinarians. Though Shakespeare spent long hours at school, his boyhood was probably fascinating. Stratford was a lively town and during holidays, it was known to put on pageants and many popular shows. It also held several large fairs during the year. Stratford was an exciting place to live. Stratford also had fields and woods surrounding it giving William the opportunity to hunt and trap small game. The River Avon, which ran through the town, allowed him to fish also. Shakespeare's' poems and plays show his love of nature and rural life which reflects his childhood. On November 28, 1582, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway of the neighboring village of Shottery. She was twenty-six, and he was only eighteen at the time. They had three children. Sus... Free Essays on William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He was baptized on April 24, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. John was a well-known merchant and Mary was the daughter of a Roman Catholic member of the gentry. Shakespeare was educated at the local grammar school. According to history, Shakespeare was the eldest son, and he should have been the apprentice to his father's shop so that he could be taught everything his father knew and soon take over the business. But instead he was the apprentice to a butcher because of the trouble in his father's financial situation. Another story says that Shakespeare became a schoolmaster. Shakespeare was allowed a lot of free time when he was young. This was suggested by historians that his plays show more ideas of hunting and hawking than do those of other play writers. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a farmer. He was thought to have left ! Stratford after he was caught poaching in the deer park of Sir Thomas Lucy. he was a local justice of the peace. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had a daughter in 1583 and twins- a boy and a girl- in 1585. The boy however, eventually did not live. Shakespeare apparently arrived in London around 1588 and by 1592 had gained success as an actor and a playwright. Shortly after that, he secured the business of Henry Wriothesley, 3rd earl of Southampton. The publication of Shakespeare's two poems Venus and Adonis (1593) and The Rape of Lucrece (1594) and some of his Sonnets (published 1609), established a reputation for him as a talented and popular Renaissance poet. The Sonnets describe the devotion of a character to a young man whose beauty and charm he praises and to a mysterious and untrue woman with whom the poet is afraid. The following triangular situation, resulting from the attraction of the poet's friend to the woman, is treated with passionate intensity and p...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in South Korea The WritePass Journal

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in South Korea Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in South Korea Introduction   ReferenceRelated Introduction In South Korea the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) developed from past 20 years ago and as well the country developed in socially and economically. The main CSR activity involved in Korea to community by volunteering, charity programmes, creating a new bright generations, eco-friendly business process. The different expression are use in CSR such as Corporate Citizenship, Corporate philanthropy, Corporate Diplomacy and Sustainable Development which are commonly used. In Korea the companies perform a major role in social responsible activities. The survey conducted by the industrial Association Federation of Korean industries (KFI) in 2006 about 75% of the 120 companies developed CSR activities. The leading companies such as kt, Samsung,   sk energy, Hyundai-Kia Motor Group, and Hynix. These companies spend 2% of their profit for CSR activities. Through THE CSR events the companies create a good image in the community, second increased improvement of profit and value of the company. Thus these, the social involvement of companies in Korea has a major impact on customers behaviour According to survey conducted by the Korean chamber of industry and trade (2007),80% of the 500 people measured an d understood that they wished to buying things from companies that perform CSR activities. Through the these activities customers to increase trust towards the companies. On 2008 the directors of the FKI approved a official agenda for companies to increase their commitment towards the community. Thus the companies force to themselves to take on economic, legal, ethical, public responsibilities. In 2008, FKI approved a official resolution to increase the social involvement of companies. Thus the member companies force themselves to take on economic responsibility, legal responsibility, moral responsibility and â€Å"social responsibility. Activities for this include,   the establishment of a CSR committee that should monitoring   whether the companies are take up their duties, the development of the relationship among the employers and employees to rise productivity and competitive skills, as well as the reassurance of a society of donation and charitable aid activities. NGOs, consumer organizations, etc. have also newly publicized great notice in involvement companies’ to the environment. Thus, for example, the umbrella organization of the environmental NGOs, the Korean Federation of Environment Movement (KFEM), has introduced a platform called SMILE (Sustainable Management and Investment Guideline) with which it judges companies CSR actions. The Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility guides companies on the publication of so-called global reporting initiative reports.    Reference

Sunday, October 20, 2019

About Norman Foster and Britains Modern Architecture

About Norman Foster and Britains Modern Architecture Pritzker Prize-winning architect Norman Foster (born June 1, 1935 in Manchester, England) is famous for futuristic designs - like Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, California - that explore technological shapes and social ideas. His big tent civic center constructed with the modern plastic ETFE even made the Guinness Book of World Records for being the worlds tallest tensile structure, yet it was built for the comfort and enjoyment of the Kazakhstan public. In addition to winning the most prestigious award for architecture, the Pritzker Prize, Foster has been knighted and granted the rank of baron by Queen Elizabeth II. For all of his celebrity, however, Foster came from humble beginnings. Born in a working class family, Norman Foster did not seem likely to become a famous architect. Although he was a good student in high school and showed an early interest in architecture, he did not enroll in college until he was 21 years old.   By the time he had decided to become an architect, Foster had been a radar technician in the Royal Air Forces and worked in the treasury department of Manchester Town Hall. In college he studied bookkeeping and commercial law, so he was prepared to handle the business aspects of an architectural firm when the time came. Foster won numerous scholarships during his years at Manchester University, including one to attend Yale University in the United States. He graduated from Manchester University School of Architecture in 1961 and went on to earn a Masters Degree at Yale on a Henry Fellowship. Returning to his native United Kingdom, Foster co-founded the successful Team 4 architectural firm in 1963. His partners were his wife, Wendy Foster, and the husband and wife team of Richard Rogers and Sue Rogers. His own firm, Foster Associates (Foster Partners), was founded in London in 1967. Foster Associates became known for high tech design that explored technological shapes and ideas. In his work, Foster often uses off-site manufactured parts and the repetition of modular elements. The firm frequently designs special components for other high-tech modernist buildings. He is a designer of parts that he elegantly assembles. Selected Early Projects After establishing his own architectural firm in 1967, the affable architect did not take long to be noticed with a portfolio of well-received projects. One of his first successes was the Willis Faber and Dumas Building built between 1971 and 1975 in Ipswich, England. No ordinary office building, the Willis Building is an asymmetrical, three-story blob of a structure, with a roof of grass to be enjoyed as a park space by the office workers. In 1975 Fosters design was a very early example of architecture that could be both energy efficient and socially responsible, to be used as a template for what is possible in an urban environment. The office building was quickly followed by the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, a gallery and educational facility built between 1974 and 1978 at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. In this building we begin to see the Foster enthusiasm for observable metal triangles and walls of glass. Internationally, attention was paid to Fosters high-tech skyscraper for the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) in Hong Kong, built between 1979 and 1986, and then the Century Tower built between 1987 and 1991 in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Asian successes were followed by the 53-story tallest building in Europe, the ecology-minded Commerzbank Tower, built from 1991 to 1997 in Frankfurt, Germany. The high profile Bilbao Metro in 1995 was part of the urban revitalization that swept the city of Bilbao, Spain. Back in the United Kingdom, Foster and Partners completed the Cranfield University Library in Bedfordshire (1992), the Faculty of Law at the University of Cambridge (1995), the American Air Museum at Duxford airfield in Cambridge (1997), and the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) in Glasgow (1997). In 1999 Norman Foster received architectures most prestigious award, the Pritzker Architecture Prize, and also  was honored by Queen Elizabeth II naming him Lord Foster of Thames Bank.The Pritzker jury cited his steadfast devotion to the principles of architecture as an art form, for his contributions in defining an architecture with high technological standards, and for his appreciation of the human values involved in producing consistently well-designed projects as their reasons for his becoming a Pritzker Laureate. Post-Pritzker Work Norman Foster never rested upon his laurels after winning the Pritzker Prize. He finished the Reichstag Dome for the new German Parliament in 1999, which remains one of Berlins most popular tourist attractions. The 2004 Millau Viaduct, a  cable-stayed bridge in Southern France, is one of the bridges youll want to cross at least once in your life. With this structure, the architects of the firm claim to be expressing a fascination with the relationship between function, technology and aesthetics in a graceful structural form. Throughout the years, Foster and Partners has continued to create office towers that explore the environmentally sensitive, uplifting workplace begun by Commerzbank in Germany and  the Willis Building in Britain. Additional office towers include the Torre Bankia (Torres Repsol), Cuatro Torres Business Area in Madrid, Spain (2009), the Hearst Tower in New York City (2006),   the Swiss Re in London (2004), and The Bow in Calgary, Canada (2013). Other interests of the Foster group have been the transportation sector  - including the 2008 Terminal T3 in Beijing, China and Spaceport America in New Mexico, the U.S. in 2014 - and building with Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene, creating plastic buildings like the 2010 Khan Shatyr Entertainment Center in Astana, Kazakhstan and the 2013 SSE Hydro in Glasgow, Scotland. Lord Norman Foster in London One need only visit London to receive a lesson in Norman Foster architecture. The most recognizable Foster design is the 2004 office tower for Swiss Re at 30 St Mary Axe in London. Locally called The Gherkin, the missile-shaped building is a case study for computer-aided design and energy and environmental design. Within site of the gherkin is the most-used Foster tourist attraction, the Millennium Bridge over the Thames River. Built in 2000, the pedestrian bridge also has a nickname  -    it became known as the Wobbly Bridge when 100,000 people rhythmically crossed during the opening week, which created an unnerving sway. The Foster firm has called it greater than expected lateral movement created by synchronised pedestrian footfall. Engineers installed dampers under the deck, and the bridge has been good-to-go ever since. Also in 2000, Foster and Partners put a cover over the Great Court at the British Museum, which has become another tourist destination. Throughout his career, Norman Foster has chosen projects to be used by different population groups - the residential housing project Albion Riverside in 2003; the futuristic modified sphere of London City Hall, a public building in 2002; and the 2015 rail station enclosure called Crossrail Place Roof Garden at Canary Wharf, which incorporates a rooftop park beneath ETFE plastic cushions. Whatever project completed for whatever user community, the designs of Norman Foster will always be first class. In Fosters Own Words I think one of the many themes in my work is the benefits of triangulation that can make structures rigid with less material. - 2008 Buckminster Fuller was the kind of green guru...He was a design scientist, if you like, a poet, but he foresaw all the things that are happening now....You can go back to his writings: its quite extraordinary. It was at that time, with an awareness fired by Buckys prophecies, his concerns as a citizen, as a kind of citizen of the planet, that influenced my thinking and what we were doing at that time. - 2006 SUMMARY: Triangulation in Norman Foster Buildings The Bow, 2013, Calgary, CanadaGeorge Rose/Getty ImagesThe people of Calgary call this building not only the most beautiful in Calgary and the best skyscraper in Canada, but it is also the tallest building outside of Toronto, at least for now. The crescent-shaped design of The Bow makes this Alberta skyscraper 30 percent lighter than most modern buildings its size. Named after the River Bow, Norman Fosters building was built between 2005 and 2013 as a mixed-use structure anchored by the headquarters of Cenovus Energy, Inc. Its curved design faces south  - gathering valuable heat and natural daylight  - with a convex facade toward the prevailing wind. Designed as a diagrid, six stories for each triangulated section, most offices of the 58 story skyscraper (775 feet; 239 meters) have a window view because of the curved design. Constructed of trussed-tubes, steel-framed with a glass curtain wall, The Bow has three interior sky gardens - on levels 24, 42 and 54.30 St Mary Axe, 2004 , London, EnglandDavid Crespo/Getty ImagesThe visual geometry of what locals call The Gherkin changes as point of view changes - seen from above, the patterns create a kaleidoscope. Hearst Tower, 2006, New York CityhAndrew C Mace/Getty ImagesThe modern 42-story tower completed in 2006 on top of the 1928 Hearst building is both award-winning and controversial. Norman Foster built the high-tech tower atop the six-story Hearst International Magazine Building designed by Joseph Urban and George P. Post. Foster claims that his design preserved the faà §ade of the existing structure and establishes a creative dialogue between the old and new. Some have said, A dialog? Oh, really? To the unsuspecting, the Hearst Corporation global headquarters is a shocking site as one crosses 57th Street at 8th Avenue in New York City. Like The Bow, the Hearst Tower is a diagrid, using 20% less steel than similar structures. True to Foster architecture, the Tower is constructed of 85% recycled steel and   high performance low emission glass with integrated roller blinds. Harvested roof water is recycled throughout the building, including to the Atriums three-story waterfall wall ca lled Icefall. The building received a LEED Platinum; certification. Sources Foster Partners, Projects, https://www.fosterandpartners.comJury Citation, The Hyatt Foundation, Norman Foster. Interview by Vladimir Belogolovskiy,, June 30, 2008, [accessed May 28, 2015]My green agenda for architecture, December 2006, TED Talk at the 2007 DLD (Digital-Life-Design) Conference, Munich, Germany, [accessed May 28, 2015]Project Description, foster partners, Bow, Emporis, [accessed July 26, 2013]Specifications, The Bow Building, [accessed August 14, 2016]Project Description, foster partners, [accessed July 30, 2013]Hearst Tower, [accessed July 30, 2013]

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Indian culture ,Bhagavad Gita Analysis of a World Text see example in Research Paper

Indian culture ,Bhagavad Gita Analysis of a World Text see example in order instructuions - Research Paper Example e cause for this narration is Arjuna’s confusion regarding his relationships, bondage to people and the material world, and an effort to liberate himself from these bondages. Hence, the Lord advises Arjuna to follow path of Dharma (righteousness/duty) to achieve liberation from the materialistic bondages. According to Sankaracharya, this entire philosophy is assembled into 745 versus and based on four main principles, referred to as Purusharthas (Bhagavad-Gita, Gambhirananda, xii) in the Mahabharata; these include Dharma (The principle of righteousness), Artha (Wealth), Kaama (pleasure or desires), and moksha (spiritual freedom or self-realization) (qtd. in Rau, 25). All versus in the Bhagavad-Gita are based on these principles, and teach mankind how to abide by these principles. These teachings also include the effects of following and not following these principles on mankind and its future. The first principle of Dharma (righteousness/duty) guides all actions that man has to perform in order to successfully complete all the duties and eventually attain liberation. This topic is elaborated based on few teachings on Dharma (righteousness/duty), and explained in relation to achievement of self-liberation. For instance, the Lord advises Arjuna to focus on Dharma, which is righteousnes s of actions and duty. The Lord says, â€Å"Your right is for action alone, never for the results. Do not become the agent of the results of action. May you not have any inclination for inaction.† (Bhagavad-Gita, Gambhirananda, 2:47). Here, the lord explains that a man’s duty is only to perform actions and not expect results. Moreover, man should certainly perform actions and not escape from doing what is required. If man starts thinking about or expecting specific results from actions performed, then he will become a propagator of results desired from the work he does. This expectation could lead him towards inappropriate actions meant to achieve desired results.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Evaluating artists significance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluating artists significance - Assignment Example As a painter, da Vinci developed a number of iconic artifacts key among which is the Mona Lisa. In this portrait, da Vinci couples a number of possibilities within a single face to come up with the most beautiful painting of its time. The painting portrays a fairer face of a woman with a protruding breast as though of a woman. In all aspects, the painting is a woman. However, several art professionals disagree with the actual portrayal in the painting some asserting that it is a combination of both male and female thereby depicting the beauty of creation (O'Connor 44). Such ambiguities in his works portray da Vinci’s creativity. Art is relative and therefore earns relative interpretations from different people. Leonardo da Vinci’s works on the contrary were difficult to interpret since the artist used simple artistic features to portray complex information mostly targeting the elite in the early society. This ability thus quantifies him as the father of the mannerist pe riod, a period in arts in which artists used complex artifacts to communicate and to criticize the society and the elite ruling class. Besides the Mona Lisa, da Vinci produced several other controversial paintings including the last supper, which is one of the most reproduced religious paintings. In the painting, Leonardo portrays Jesus sitting at a table with his twelve disciples. In a very controversial twist, Leonardo inserts a male disciple in the painting with fairer features next to Jesus. While most people view the image as that of Mathews one of the closest disciples of Jesus, other have rightly argued that she could be Marry Magdalene thereby raising questions about Marry Magdalene’s relationship with Jesus. This portrays the level of controversies that da Vinci left in most of his works. His other iconic painting is the Virgin and child with St Anne, in this, Leonardo includes a controversy as he superimposes two figures in the picture thereby complicating the ident ity of either Marry or St Anne. Despite the controversies that made his works more exciting, Leonardo da Vinci captured nature’s beauty in his works. He used some of the best models of the time and depicted nature as the most beautiful of all that existed. II. Late Renaissance and Baroque: Gian Lorenzo Bernini Lorenzo Bernini was yet another iconic Italian artist, architect, and sculptor. Bernini was a renowned playwright with the ability to develop dramatic narratives and a great sculptor who depicted magnificence in most of his works. As an artist of his time, Bernini portrayed arts as a reflector of the society; most of his narratives were therefore satirical criticisms of the elite in the early Roman society and the ruling class. He therefore portrayed the issues affecting the society in a sardonic manner thereby attracting the attention of the masses to the actions of the ruling elite through entertainment. His sculptors on the other hand were both realist and humanist. In such, he developed big sculptors of the great figures of the time in the streets and churches in Rome and developed others as decorations to similar places. The streets of Rome and some great international museums still stash some of his surviving artifacts. Among his great works that portrayed both beauty and opulence included the Apollo and Daphne, in the sculpture, Bernini portrays both a complex understanding to nature and the

Global Business Environment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Business Environment - Case Study Example P&G started as a small soap and candle company started by William Proctor and James Gamble in the year 1837 in the Cincinnati United States now has 138,000 employees working in over 80 countries worldwide. The company’s products and services are available to consumers over 180 countries. The company maintains one of the strongest and largest portfolios of trusted brands.  The company markets nearly 300 well-known brands in consumer goods and more than 50 percent of its revenues are derived from foreign countries. Being the market leader in the FMCG market P&G has proved to be one of the aggressive marketers and the largest advertiser in the world. Extensive market research and the novel brand-management system are the unique strengths of the company (Proctor & Gamble).  The success of P&G largely depended on its business technique called ‘brand management’ which implied that the company will focus its attention on a product rather than on a business function. The technique involves a decentralized decision making. The company began its global expansion during the early 1990s when the top management felt the need for streamlining the brand management system. For carrying out a planned expansion the company established a ‘Global Strategic Planning Group’ consisting of 3-20 individuals for each of the product categories. This group was made responsible for developing policies covering global and local brands. The group was also empowered to make decisions concerning ‘brand strategy’ which needs to be standardized across the world markets. It also involved customizing the products according to local markets and customer requirements.  While developing the branding strategies was made the responsibility of the Global Strategic Planning Group the implementation of the strategies was entrusted to the ‘Global Category Team’. The Global Category Team is headed by an executive vice president who handles eac h of the product categories.

Envision a business you would like to own that would employ at least Research Paper

Envision a business you would like to own that would employ at least 20 people (either manufacturing or services) but I want it - Research Paper Example 44). The operations strategy of my business involves the use of low inventory levels as this will help to keep the prices low thus generating faster sales because of the low prices and the high value of the products. Furthermore, keeping of low levels of inventory will help to ensure that the business will be able to keep the prices low for the customers. This will help to maintain the existing customers and attract new customers as well. The use of low inventories will help to ensure that products are replaced with new items as soon as the inventory is exhausted and as a result this will increase the demand of the products. Increased demand, coupled with low prices, will lead to increased sales for a company and therefore this will in turn lead to increased profits for my business (Slack, & Lewis 2008) Supply chain management Supply chain management involves the active management of supply chain activities so as to ensure that customer value is maximized and a sustainable competitiv e advantage is achieved. Supply chain activities involve product development, product and material sourcing, production, logistics and the necessary information systems that help to coordinate these activities. Efficient supply chain management strategy will ensure that the print business is exposed to several opportunities that will provide competitive advantages. Examples of the competitive advantages that will be achieved include lower product costs for the materials that have been produced, reduced carrying costs in relation to the inventory because of the fact that no inventory will be kept, improved in store value and selection due to the different materials that will be produced, and finally a very competitive pricing for the customers. This therefore will work to ensure that the print business will become a dominant force to reckon with and to ensure that the focus is maintained on innovative processes and systems which work to improve the supply chain and achieve greater ef ficiency (Mentzer 2001). The key elements of a supply chain include structuring, sourcing, purchasing, and managing. The supply chain will begin with structuring and this usually involves the creation of the organization and forming together with recruiting members into the organization that are able and willing to take the business to a higher level. The staff that has been recruited will then allocated to different sections of the business for instance in my print business; sourcing manager will be recruited who will help to source for materials, purchasing managers who will ensure that the required materials are purchased on time and finally managers will be involved with the overall management of the business. Sourcing as a component of supply management involves the process of sourcing for items to print from clients. This is done by the sourcing managers who will deal with souring for product suppliers and vendors and also procuring the products that are used on printing at pr ices and terms that ensure the profitability goals of the firm are met (Mentzer 2001). Purchasing element in the supply chain will involve determining the products that the business requires and then procuring them from the client at a favorable price. The other element in the supply chain is the managing element. This usually focuses on demand planning,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

FRACKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FRACKING - Essay Example cess of Fracking is excused from primary environmental laws, as well as the Safe Drinking Water Act, and gas spills and mishaps are very common (McKenzie,, 2012). People have played an immense role in this environmental issue; it starts from the process of extracting the gas to the transportation of the waste materials. This puts the water bodies and the general health of the human beings a very significant risk. In fact, most individuals who close to the fracking sites have acquired severe illness from drinking water that is contaminated. The tap water has so much methane such that it can even light a fire (McKenzie,, 2012). All this has been caused by the fracking activities and the poor methods of disposing of the waste products. The industries are not allowed to reveal the chemicals used in the process of fracking, and this is an implication that they are aware that they use dangerous materials. Societies with fracking have witnessed deteriorations in the value of property, growths of the crime rate, and decline in local tourism and farming (Finewood & Stroup, 2012). Over 70% of the elements used in this process are likely to be harmful to the eyes, the skin, as well as the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems. Roughly 50% of these materials are likely to have an impact on the brain cell structure, immunity and cardiac systems, 25% of these are liable to cause cancerous diseases and other body related mutations. Nonetheless, most hazards of the pollutants used in the fracking procedure do not appear instantaneously, and they are long term and entail studies observing into long-standing health effects. Methane is a key constituent of natural gas and it likely to trap heat in the atmosphere 20 times than carbon dioxide; this leads to air pollution (Finewood & Stroup, 2012). The fracking process uses chemical additives in the procedure of drilling mud, and the fluids are vital to this process; this leads to major water pollution. The United

Personal Development Plan. Advancing Career Development Coursework

Personal Development Plan. Advancing Career Development - Coursework Example These include sparking the audience’s interest and presentation practices that respect the audience’s time. Use Toastmasters international articles, which offer information on oratory skills improvement, including how to deal with audiences that are distracted by capturing their imagination (Turner, 2013: p40). One excellent resource to improve networking skills is PLNs technologies that offer functionalities like communication and presentation with one’s peers that one can adapt and change to suit their needs (Turner, 2013: p46). It allows learners to structure complex environments of content and people according to their preference. Skill layer technology solutions, a social network management tool, will also be used to enhance communication with individuals within my network, as well as to remain in touch with them (Turner, 2013: p47). Ability in this skill will be measured at the end of the academic year. This is because it is only during this period that I will have met most of the important people to my academic and future professional career. It is also possible to assess one’s understanding about commercial realities and business benefits by participating in discussions about the related industries, as well as in the comment sections of most business-oriented websites like the WSJ. To improve on this skill, the website offers concentration strategies and tests that help to identify distracters in the environment and offers ways to adopt new strategies (Smale & Fowlie, 2012: p20). Ability in this skill will be evaluated towards the end of the school year in October and November. This is because this period is the most important for finding self-motivation by applying aspects of the skills as learnt over the semester. The Self-Regulated Strategy Development tool has persuasion maps. These are interactive online tools that enhance the student’s ability to map

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

FRACKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FRACKING - Essay Example cess of Fracking is excused from primary environmental laws, as well as the Safe Drinking Water Act, and gas spills and mishaps are very common (McKenzie,, 2012). People have played an immense role in this environmental issue; it starts from the process of extracting the gas to the transportation of the waste materials. This puts the water bodies and the general health of the human beings a very significant risk. In fact, most individuals who close to the fracking sites have acquired severe illness from drinking water that is contaminated. The tap water has so much methane such that it can even light a fire (McKenzie,, 2012). All this has been caused by the fracking activities and the poor methods of disposing of the waste products. The industries are not allowed to reveal the chemicals used in the process of fracking, and this is an implication that they are aware that they use dangerous materials. Societies with fracking have witnessed deteriorations in the value of property, growths of the crime rate, and decline in local tourism and farming (Finewood & Stroup, 2012). Over 70% of the elements used in this process are likely to be harmful to the eyes, the skin, as well as the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems. Roughly 50% of these materials are likely to have an impact on the brain cell structure, immunity and cardiac systems, 25% of these are liable to cause cancerous diseases and other body related mutations. Nonetheless, most hazards of the pollutants used in the fracking procedure do not appear instantaneously, and they are long term and entail studies observing into long-standing health effects. Methane is a key constituent of natural gas and it likely to trap heat in the atmosphere 20 times than carbon dioxide; this leads to air pollution (Finewood & Stroup, 2012). The fracking process uses chemical additives in the procedure of drilling mud, and the fluids are vital to this process; this leads to major water pollution. The United

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Assessment and Office Equipment Essay Example for Free

Assessment and Office Equipment Essay Unit purpose and aim This unit is about using a variety of different office equipment following manufacturer’s and organisational guidelines. Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria The Learner will: The Learner can: 1. Know about different types of office equipment and its uses 1. 1 Identify different types of equipment and their uses 1. 2 Describe the different features of different types of office equipment 1. 3 Explain why different types of equipment are chosen for tasks 2. Understand the purpose of following instructions and health and safety procedures Exemplification Learning outcomes 1 to 6 must be assessed using methods appropriate to the assessment of knowledge and understanding. A holistic approach to assessment should be adopted so that one piece of evidence covers more than one learning outcome and several assessment criteria. 2. 1 Explain the purpose of following manufacturer’s instructions when using equipment 2. 2 Explain the purpose of following organisational instructions when using equipment 2. 3 Identify health and safety procedures for using different types of equipment 2. 4 Explain the purpose of following health and safety. Procedures when using equipment 2. 5 Explain the purpose of  © OCR 2010 1 keeping equipment clean and hygienic 3. Understand how to use equipment in a way that minimises waste 3. 1 Give examples of waste when using equipment 3. 2 Give examples of ways to reduce waste 3. 3 Explain the purpose of minimising waste 4. Know about the different types of problems that may occur when using equipment and how to deal with them 4. 1 Give examples of equipment problems 4. 2 Explain the purpose of following manufacturer’s instructions and organisational procedures when dealing with problems 4. 3 Give examples of how to deal with problems 5. Understand the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines 5. 1 Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when using equipment 6. Understand the purpose of leaving equipment and the work area ready for the next user 6. 1 Explain the purpose of leaving equipment and the work area ready for the next user 7. Be able to use office equipment 7. 1 Locate and select equipment needed for a task 7. 2 Use equipment following manufacturer’s and organisational guidelines Assessment should be planned. To maximise the opportunities for the candidate to demonstrate their ability to use office equipment. 7. 3 Use equipment minimising waste 7. 4 Keep equipment clean and hygienic 7. 5 Deal with equipment problems following manufacturer’s and organisational procedures 7. 6 Refer problems, if required 7. 7 Make sure final work product meets agreed requirements 7. 8 Make sure that product is delivered to agreed timescale 7. 9 Make sure equipment, 2  © OCR 2010 resources and work area are ready for the next user Assessment This unit is centre assessed and externally verified. A holistic approach to assessment should be adopted so that one piece of evidence covers more than one learning outcome and several assessment criteria and where appropriate, provides evidence across several units. Your assessor will use a range of assessment methods which may include: ? observation of performance in the work environment ? examination of work products ? questioning the learner ? discussing with the learner ? use of others (witness testimony) ? looking at learner statements ? recognising prior learning Evidence requirements A range of evidence should be gathered to cover the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria. Examples may include: ? Job requests/briefs from colleagues ? Copies of work produced using equipment ? Fault/problem logs indicating your response ? Records of training in use of equipment ? Minutes of team/1 to 1 meetings, relating to use of equipment ? Annotated copies of relevant sections in user manuals. The candidate must demonstrate their ability to use a range of office equipment including a computer, printer, and photocopier along with other equipment necessary to carry out their job eg telephone, franking machine,fax machine, data projector, shredder, laminator, binder, paper folder. Guidance on assessment and evidence requirements Refer to sections on Assessment and Evidence requirements above. National Occupational Standards (NOS) mapping/signposting This unit is based on the NOS BAA231 Use office equipment. Functional skills signposting This section indicates where candidates may have an opportunity to develop their functional skills.  © OCR 2010 3 Link to functional skills standards http://www. qcda. gov. uk/15565.aspx Functional Skills Standards English Mathematics ICT Speaking and Listening ? Representing ? Use ICT systems ? Reading ? Analysing ? Find and select information ? Writing ? Interpreting ? Develop, present and communicate information ? Resources Access to a wo rking environment with associated equipment and resources Additional information For further information regarding administration for this qualification, please refer to the OCR document ‘Admin Guide: Vocational Qualifications’ (A850) on the OCR website www. ocr. org. uk.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Structured systems analysis and design

Structured systems analysis and design Structured Systems Analysis and Design (SSAD) With this particular methodology, a software development venture is divided into stages, steps, tasks and modules/ components. Objectives of SSAD:   ITC Infotech India Ltd. Structured Systems Analysis and Design (SSAD) was developed with specific objectives: To warrant that a project could lucratively persist should a loss in staff occur without any adverse consequences on the project To improve communication between all participants in the project so that an effective construction is in place To develop a better of class systems To improve the manner in which projects are controlled and directed To allow for the efficient use of both experienced and inexperienced staff To allow for projects to be supported by computer- aided software engineering applications How SSAD works: SSAD is a waterfall approach whereby there are a series of events which occur in sequential order, each step leading from the last. There are a total of five steps and they are as follows: Feasibility study: This is a study that will determine if the project is actually possible to undertake and whether it is cost effective or not. Requirements analysis: Identifying the needs of the business Requirements specification: The requirements (functional and non- functional) are clearly and unambiguously identified and stated. Logical system specification: The technical systems options are created and also the logical design of the system, including upgrade and enquiry designs. Physical design: The logical system specification and technical specification is then used to design a physical database and set of program specifications. Advantages of SSAD: Timelines: as mentioned before, SSAD can be used to improve the way a project is controlled and directed. This is due to the fact that it allows one to plan the project well which is essential to deliver the product on time. Improvement of productivity: By encouraging on-time delivery, meeting business needs, ensuring better quality, using human resources effectively as well as evading bureaucracy, SSAD improves general productivity of the project. Better quality: Decreases the error rate of information systems by identifying a certain level of class in the launch and constantly checking the system. Effective use of skills: It does not require any special skills and can easily be taught to the staff. It usually makes use of diagramming and modelling tools. It can respond to changes in the business environment: Business requirements and objectives are taken into consideration while the project is being developed. This creates the possibility to adjust the planning of the project to the actual requirements of the business. Usability: Special emphasis is put on the analysis of the user requirements. Concurrently, the system model is constructed and a wide-ranging demand analysis is conducted. Cuts costs: Due to the fact that SSAD separates logical and physical systems design, the system does not have to be executed again with new hardware or software. Disadvantages of SSAD: SSAD puts prominence on the analysis of a system and its documentation. This paves the way for over-analysing, which in turn can be very time consuming and puts strain on expense. Available from: [Date accessed: November 25th, 2009] Object Oriented Analysis and Design:   Ã‚  Ã‚   This is a software development approach that puts great prominence on logical solutions based on objects (individual components of a system). It takes a bottom- top developmental approach and makes use of UML (Unified Modelling Language). Objectives of OOAD:   JS Consulting Group Inc. (2000-2009) To study already existing objects to see if they can in fact be reused or adapted for newer uses. To identify new or modified objects that will be pooled with existing objects into a useful business computing application. Available from: [Date accessed: October 25th, 2009] How OOAD works: Kenneth Pefkaros, International Journal of Business research, March 2008.   Ã‚  Ã‚   In OOAD, the developers capture required details as a system of objects which encapsulate both data and processes. It uses three elemental techniques to for analysis: Functional modelling: The analyst uses activity diagrams and use case diagrams to give designers a clearer picture of how the system works. Structural modelling: The analyst uses class diagrams to group related objects. Behavioural diagrams: The analyst uses sequence diagrams, communication and state diagrams, to give a basic description of how objects respond to the environment, as well as, how they change state during transactions. These techniques then provide the designers with sufficient documented information which they will use in the creating of the system. Available from:;col1 [Date accessed: October 25th, 2009] Advantages of OOAD: It significantly simplifies the development of the system It enables the consistency of objects which increases the understanding of the design Decomposing the system into individual objects makes it easier and more manageable for the analyst to work with. When working with objects, they can be reused and modified which cuts costs and save time. Disadvantages of OOAD: There is more emphasis on codes There isnt much emphasis on team work The early designs for the system may be too simplified to be adequate It isnt easy to establish all the necessary classes and objects needed for the system

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Historical Narrative: Beacon In A Sea Of Darkness :: essays research papers fc

The day started as usual. I got out of bed. My eyes sore from lack of sleep. My feet hit the cold floor, sending a shudder through my spine. It's a shame. In the winter, the weatherman will tell you that tomorrow will be a warm one, but warm for winter in New York is still blisteringly cold (Weather 53). I looked at the clock. 7:50 AM. No time for breakfast. I had to get to work. In this business, either you were there on time to take someone's case or he went to another detective. I grabbed my coat and started running down the apartment stairs, trying to wave down a taxi. My landlord tried to nab me and complain about my late rent, but I had not time to trifle with him. I jumped into the first taxi I saw and told the driver to take me to the corner of 7th and Elm. Whin I got to the office, Rose, my secretary, was on the phone talking to her fiance ("Miss" 30). Her husband to be was a real sweet talker, but he was a Communist, which made my blood hot. Such a shame, a fine broad going to waste like that. She whispered goodbye to him and hung up the phone. "Any calls for me while I was out, Rose?" "No, Sam, the morning's been pretty quiet so far," she replied. "Here's the morning paper as you requested. The coffee should be hot and ready in just a few minutes." "You're a doll, you know that, Rose? I swear my morning would be a nightmare if it weren't for you. I've got a couple of tickets to the next Yankees game if you'd like to go out. I hear Mantle and Rizzuto are hitting pretty well" (Effrat 34). "Mr. Brock! Thank you very much, but I'm engaged. I can't go off on a weekend dating spree right before I get married. What would others think? They'd call me a floozy for sure!" "Well, I thought it was worth a try. Give me a holler if you change your mind. I'll be in my office if anything comes up." I walked into my office, about to shut the door, when I stopped myself. "Rose, what do you see in that guy anyway? Did he trick you into marriage or was he just the only guy left in the store?" "Despite what you may think of him, I find him very attractive.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Canadian and Taiwanese Schools Essay -- Education Teaching Essays

Canadian and Taiwanese Schools School is the best place for people to be educated. Everyone has to go through this stage in order to be knowledgeable, so they can be useful in society and solve any problems they encounter. Not only they are educated for themselves but also for their countries. Different countries have different systems on how to teach students. Canada's educational system is a perfect and ideal way to ensure that students will live successful lives. Canadian high school students study both compulsory and elective courses together. They pursue academic studies based on the achievement of credits. In the meantime, they take prerequisite courses that are related to their university studies. Hence, they know the basic fundamentals before getting in the universities. After completion of required number of credits, the universities take their averages and determine if they are qualified for the studies in universities that they choose. Even the students' averages are low, they can still go to universities that don't require high averages. Therefore, many students can easily study in this highest level of education. However, all courses are mandatory in Taiwan. High school students study the same courses together no matter what they plan to take in the universities, and thus it is hard for them to know what they are interested in. After graduation from high school, students have to write a major exam on all kinds of courses to achieve a sco...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ethnic Identity and African Americans Essay

Ethnic identity is the sum total of group member feelings about those values, symbols, and common histories that identify them as a distinct group (Smith 1991). Development of ethnic identity is important because it helps one to come to terms with their ethnic membership as a prominent reference group and significant part of an individuals overall identity. Ethnic reference group refers to an individuals psychological relatedness to groups (Smith 1991). These reference groups help adolescents sense, reflect and see things from the point of their ethnic groups in which they actively participate or seek to participate. What is ethnic identity? The establishment of identity is an important, complex task for all adolescents, and is considered a major developmental task for all adolescents. It is particularly complicated for adolescents belonging to ethnic and minority groups. Ethnic identity of the majority group of individuals is constantly validated and reinforced in a positive manner where as the minority group is constantly ridiculed and punished in a negative manner. What does this say for those adolescents who are the minority and not the majority? It is important to study or research ethnic identity because it provides better knowledge to help one understand striving for a sense of unity and connectivenesss in which the self provides meaning for direction and meaning of ethnic identity (Spencer, 1990). It is also important to study or research the differences between these groups due to beliefs and values. Adolescents that are the minority are confronted with their ethnicity at an earlier age then Caucasian adolescents majority and they are constantly aware of ethnic differences, which means it is of greater importance to understand the development of the minority individual. It should lead to different assessments when it comes to ethnic identity. For example, African American adolescents are psychologically compared to Caucasian American adolescence diagnoses, which are sometimes inaccurately assessed. Bronfenberner explains the theoretical perspective such as the ecological perspective by saying, The implications for clinical treatment of African American adolescents, mental health workers must be sensitive to the ecological context of their clients. Mental Health workers must realize that there is no single entity called the black family . The black families compared to the other families established their American family. He suggests that these families vary dramatically in backgrounds, social economic status, values, and degree of acculturation to the norms and values of mainstream America (1990). There are also, significant differences that may exist in preparation of African American adolescent, at the level of rearing family practices and in schools (1990). That is, schools continue to reflect historical values that deal with racial-stereotypes and prejudice and beliefs. At the same time there are families trying to avoid and make light out of such situations. These families and communities continue to show constancy by instilling their own beliefs and values through child rearing which maybe different from Caucasian Americas. Identity and ethnicity as adolescent issues Identity has been defined in many ways. It is the concept used to describe an individual’s sense of who he or she is (Dashefsky and Shapiro, 1976). Changes in identity occur throughout the life cycle, however, the changes in identity are usually most notable during adolescence. Integrating a positive sense of ethnic identity into one’s overall personal identity is an important task of late adolescence (Steinberg, 1996). Ethnic identity has been defined as the aspect of one’s sense of identity concerning ancestry or racial group membership (Steinberg, 1996). Ethnic identity development is an essential human need because it provides a sense of belonging and historical continuity. Ethnic socialization Minority children are confronted with their ethnicity at an earlier age than their majority counterparts (Smith, 1991). Parents can help to speed up the early stages of ethnic identity development by taking an active approach to ethnic socialization. Ethnic socialization, according to Steinberg(1996), refers to the process through which parents teach their children about their ethnicity and about the certain experiences they may have with the broader society. Ethnic socialization consists of three themes: 1) understanding one’s own culture, 2) getting along in mainstream society, and 3) dealing with racism (Steinberg, 1996). Possible outcomes of ethnic identity development. There are four ways to deal with ethnicity (Steinberg, 1996):  ·Assimilation–adopting the cultural norms of the majority while rejecting the norms of one’s own culture.  ·Separation–rejecting the majority culture and associating only with members of one’s own culture.  ·Marginality–living within majority culture but feeling estranged.  ·Biculturalism–maintaining ties to both cultures. According to Steinberg (1996) many believe that biculturalism is more successful than the other four. With biculturalism minority youth have access to the norms of the majority and minority culture depending on the situation. References  ·Smith, Elise J. Ethnic Identity Development: Toward the Development of A Theory within the Context of Majority/Minority Status. Journal of Counseling and Development: JCD. v70. n1. Sept. 1991. p. 181-188.  ·Spencer, Margaret Beale. Child Development. v61 n2. Apr. 1990. P. 290-310.  ·Dashefsky, A. (Eds. ). (1976). Ethnic identity in society. Chicago: Rand McNally College Publishing Co. Smith, E. J. (1991). Ethnic identity development: Toward the development of a theory within the context of majority/minority status. Journal of Counseling and Development, 70, 181-187.  ·Steinberg, L. (1996). Adolescence. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.